Can doctors write prescriptions for family members reddit

Can doctors write prescriptions for family members reddit. " As of now, I have yet to ever prescribe to friends or family. . Or you may have cornea edema, scars, irregular astigmatism, eye infections, or need a cornea transplant. any doctor can give u percocet. Writing a short refill for a patient until they can go back to PCP is perfectly reasonable and I would much rather do that than have them go to an urgent care and possibly get exposed Just got my prescription from medvidi despite searching reddit and seeing like 95 percent of people saying this place is a fucking scam etc etc. That's what I did. Apparently madaming namamatay dahil sa pangit na sulat sa prescription kasi mali pagkainterpret madalas sa mga drugstores. But for me it does nothing. I felt so dumb knowing that I can prescribe medications, but didn't know how to do it for myself, or if I'd get in major trouble for doing so. Little is known, however, about residents' patterns of prescription Or they think that I can always make an exception or keep coming back to me for more. Patient privacy includes personal space (physical privacy), personal data (informational privacy), personal choices, including cultural and religious affiliations (decisional privacy), and personal relationships with family members and other intimates (associational privacy). As a resident can I call in a prescription for a family member that lives in a different state? I know it’s a gray area prescribing to family members but is it ok for a one time script? Based on all of the medical TV shows I have seen, doctors cannot write their own prescriptions. I simply say, "I don't have a license in that state, so I can send your prescription to a local pharmacy. You just shouldn’t prescribe long term meds, unless it’s a short refill. Apr 30, 2016 · Unless there is some state law preventing self prescribing or prescribing to family members I see no problem. How do you all go about writing your own prescriptions? Which ones are you comfortable writing for yourself? Treatment of family, friends and self is widespread among physicians, with antibiotics, antihistamines and contraceptives among the most commonly involved medications. In some states/countries, yes, but it is heavily ethically frowned upon and if you get found misusing your ability then you can have your medical license revoked. was stressed as fuck the last 2 days wondering if the doc would prescribe me anything (he did) then once the prescription got written i had this horrible anxiety from people saying “even if you get Investigators concluded that if physicians decide to treat their family members, their judgment must be sound, they must have the appropriate medical data available to them for decision making, and they require the proper training and skills for the matter at hand. In other places, no, it’s just illegal for doctors to write prescriptions for themselves. Now all rxs require electronic scripts. They also can make more accurate referrals which I think can be valuable. It will be a prescription version though that you need to wait for and everything. It wasn’t obvious to anyone who verified these refills before me because she used her maiden name on these specific e-scripts. Every state has their own laws about such things. "Hey I know it's a bummer of a situation for you but I cannot prescribe medications for family members, I would advise urgent care. Respecting patient privacy is a fundamental expression of respect for patient autonomy and a prerequisite for trust. the only medicine that regular doctors cant give for pain is the fentanyl lollies n candies n sprays. I got a prescription recently without having to do the tests because my medical records showed that I have had this issue several times in the past so they didn't make me do the lab tests to prove it. It’s a lot different these days. Nous parlons en anglais et en français. There may be some procedures where they are paid a fee as well, writing a prescription isn’t one of them. Residents in Canada can’t write (sign) prescriptions bc we don’t have prescriber numbers. However, if the time comes, does anyone have advice or a system or even a file template to document for a prescription that is called over the phone for a family member (And, of course, avoiding scheduled medication completely)? Prescriptions don’t have the condition the doctor is treating written on them, and it isn’t a pharmacist’s job to police the doctor’s prescribing (often I spend a lot of my time telling a doctor no, this medicine hasn’t been around since 2003 and are you sure you wanted the patient to have a quantity of “0” tablets?) Physicians are reminded that they are prohibited from prescribing for themselves, family members, or others close to them, any of the following: narcotics; controlled drugs or substances; monitored drugs; cannabis for medical purposes; or any drugs or substances that have the potential to be addicting or habituating, regardless of whether the DOI 10. I let the pharmacist handle that. Lots of prescribed medications in the UK have a wholesale price which is way cheaper than the prescription price so this is one of the few ways that doctors can save themselves some money. She comes in on a weekend with a short-term (3 days or less) Rx for Norco w In the US, If you have a state license, then you can prescribe medications. opiates). She feels that 1 prescription should be plenty and is protesting the need to keep issuing these by charging her patients. Or look for a new doctor with a more agreeable fee schedule. In the USA, you're not supposed to even treat your own family members. If someone has a medical need to be away from work for more than three days, their treating physician may write a note. The pharmacist knows how state laws affect this specific medication. I work in retail pharmacy and caught a family member prescribing zolpidem for herself and a spouse. Generally it’s considered okay if it’s a short term prescription for a UTI like in your case, or if it’s urgent and they can’t get seen in a timely manner. I don’t go to the doctor at all because its full price, and even simple checkups cost 200 dollars oop. We realize that some physicians are concerned about prescribing for family members. Reply reply Most physicians can’t or won’t write themselves rx through the work EMR - everyone I know used a paper script. He used to be able to write prescriptions for the family. , before prescribing a controlled substance. It has changed a lot over the years. My local pharmacist is quite pragmatic but others will pass self-prescriptions or those that are clearly for friends/family to the GMC. If you do not have your own license, then you are under the hospital training license, and can only take care of patients in that context. Agreed, up to the individual doctor and group practice rules. Like everyone else has said, I'd probably ask a colleague to write a script for any controlled meds. It'd be pointless to pay for medicine that wouldn't really do much for me. During their regular duties, house officers' prescription writing is carefully monitored. Alabama #1. Jan 10, 2022 · While the law still allows doctors to prescribe for themselves and those close to them, since 2006 GMC guidance has warned against it. The pharmacist can renew prescriptions for long standing conditions The pharmacist also charges to dispense the medication whether the doc is involved or not. Consider that at my company I may have a huge deductible. I work around doctors in the hospital and can tell you that they have their own doctors. Maybe your family Doctor can be reached to confirm. Doctors prescribing controls for themself or family members. that isnt true at all. or anything else. Your hubris is showing. Its almost never ok to prescribe controlled substances for family members (except maybe 2 days percocet for a broken limb if no doctors are available on a weekend, which is usually how state laws are written), and its never ok to prescribe controlled meds for family members on a continuity basis. true. You can call in scripts as a resident. but any doctor can do percocets. The very rare pharmacist may report you (extremely rare that this would happen) and even then the state board would not care unless you're doing it all the time or it's something you should not be prescribing (ex. It would definitely help me to get a good experience. You should be able to google. When ordering prescription diets online directly through Hill's, they have me listed as a vet, so I don't need to provide a script for any rx diets. At the end of the day, we as residents write a shit load of prescriptions to all kinds of pharmacies, unless youre writing for a lot of schedule 1/2 medications you would probably trigger some sort of flag Slightly off the direct topic: some insurances won’t actually cover care/prescriptions for self service or direct family members. If you need the prescription transferred you can request it to be transferred. I was wandering if there exists any resource where I may find a good collection of Doctor's Hand written prescriptions for me to learn to read them. 1001/virtualmentor. Doctors are not supposed to prescribe their family members scheduled medications. My family doctor used to waive extra fees for my parents and they were in the same shoes as your grandparents. Other doctors in the same clinic or hospital can indeed write prescriptions for them. doctor_of_drugs • Agreed. Not a good idea. The viewpoints expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA. Please be respectful of each other when posting, and note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. This is in Florida so it may be different in other areas. I want to learn to read doctor's prescriptions. I recently needed a new Rx for one of my long-term meds and was playing phone-tag with my doctor. They can self-diagnose to their heart's content. This is also one reason we have pharmacists to be a gatekeeper for these types of situations, among others. Click to expand You can only prescribe medication to your patients, and that requires a specific type of relationship. You should not be your family's treating physician for such a significant illness. We are all fully aware of the dangers of self-medicating or prescribing controlled drugs to family, friends and colleagues, and mindful of the risk of addiction and misuse. No one cares about small prescriptions. Trust me when I tell you you'll be glad if you choose right out the gate to make it clear I will not prescribe for family. He/she may see signs in your behavior or responses that indicate you are perceiving benefits from the medication that are more important to you than the intended effect. That is much more inappropriate than this. Technically they are not allowed to treat their family members or prescribe family members medications either. Very often they’ll have an annual fee that covers all those. Dec 5, 2018 · Do you dash off a quick renewal of her prescription? Many physicians might do so without a second thought—but when it comes to prescribing medications to their own family members, physicians might want to think twice. Yes, you can. It also told me the doctor was a quack and diagnosed her completely wrong. And the ban on prescribing controlled substances also applies to family members and co-workers/residents as well. You can drive without a seatbelt and you may be ok if you never get into a crash. You admit you haven't seen doctors much or gotten many prescriptions and yet you imply you know enough to self-medicate with drugs that are currently prescription. We can order meds in hospital independently, but if you’re sending g someone home with an rx your attending signs it. Federal laws do not prohibit self-prescribing but some states do. as a kid, he gave me shots probably a dozen times. Now, especially with covid and virtual appointments it may be possible. Jul 17, 2002 · Context Writing prescriptions is one of the most tangible new responsibilities that residents acquire after graduating from medical school. She doesn't have them anymore but a recent episode she had in a hospital visiting a family member told us otherwise. I don't really have a general practitioner or a family doctor at the moment. Any extent of help and support would be of immense value. He even circumcised me 40 years ago. Jun 14, 2022 · Here is a breakdown of the major points related to regulating self-prescribing laws by state: 1. 5. Some family doctors charge patients a fee for “extra” services like doctor notes, phone renewals, etc. State medical boards presume illegal diversion or abuse. " And it is true. You know that she has cancer from her medication history and talking to the patient. Thank you The State of Florida's Online Resource for Medical Doctor, Physician Assistant and Anesthesiologist Assistant Licensing, Renewals and Information - Florida Department of Health Florida Board of Medicine » Can a physician prescribe to family members?- My family doctor does this in protest of needing prescriptions for preventative medicine (therapy) or non-medical treatment (massage, physio) to chronic conditions. While self-prescribing can be appropriate, and even necessary at times, healthcare professionals need to understand the legal and ethical implications of it. Generally speaking they can't self-prescribe controlled drugs (like morphine or other opiates) but often can self-prescribe things like antibiotics. I once encountered a doctor na may sobrang pangit na sulat, then we jokingly asked him bakit ang pangit nga, sabi niya, mabilis daw magsulat = madaming pasyente ang mahahandle. Hilariously if it’s a female doctor who marries and changes their name, the system doesn’t reliably trigger the rejection. Many doctors these days do not want to take the risk of prescribing schedule II substances due to the potential for litigation and sanctions. Jan 2, 2003 · Obstetrical records and records of minor patients must be retained for at least six years, and until one year after the minor patient reaches the age of eighteen years; Lastly, if you do write a prescription for a family or friend, be sure to document everything. Physicians should record complete medical history and recommend a physical examination, apart from documenting the nature and intensity of the pain, the current and past medical treatments received, history of substance abuse, etc. The pharmacist does know. coet1-1205. For example: A physician's wife has cancer and fills all her meds at your pharmacy. Prescription is another matter. The family doctor my family sees is also a very good family friend I want get a prescription to PrEP (preventative HIV drug) I'm more than happy to go to a different clinic for the prescription and different pharmacy to fill it People were writing family members HCQ scripts only a couple months ago because of some reports that it may be helpful. I called my eye doctor's office to see if they would write a prescription. It’s against my company’s policy, so it’s an instant denial from me, but I still get stubborn prescribers that don’t accept the fact that there are limitations to their prescribing power. I can't find it but it's a free medical service for people to get medical advice and prescriptions. There are situations where a patient has a specific circumstance that would lend itself to this being okay. Much more worthwhile to Target things like controlled meds that seem suspicious or outrageous prescriptions for family members like 15 refills of propanolol etc etc. I was upfront with my doctor about MMJ and they agreed to move forward with my Adderall prescription as long as I was willing to be supervised. My father is a doctor too, and I work at his practice. You can self prescribe, and reorder old prescriptions off 1800contacts, sleep in lenses, etc and you may be ok. 13 votes, 43 comments. She passed out and they said her arms started to shake and seize up. It's one thing to write a prescription for routine meds to tide a family member over until they can see their doctor for a refill. With universal e-scripts required and paper scripts essentially barred, the question I had was how do you write an electronic prescription if you can’t use your work EMR. 14. My father is a doctor. You can do it, just not supposed to. only palliative doctors and hematology-oncology can give it. Rare sila tumawag sa doctor para idouble check. So I guess it just checks of the names are the same. as a general rule I think it's best to set boundaries with family members that you don't prescribe for family. Doctors usually prescribe the weakest stuff they have to start off, which I've seen help friends and other family members. Though, I’ve had an ophthalmologist prescribe tons of HTN and HF meds for his friends/family and a few years later had extreme issues You can absolutely prescribe a family member a medication, but it’s a gray area ethically. Long answer: No, but. It's all about risk. Writing yourself a prescription could get your father's license revoked, and is a major red flag. You know that everything on TV is 100% true and accurate, so take this for what it is worth. Other than what you’re told The pharmacy at Shopper's gave me a number to call if my family doctor wasn't doing phone appointments. No they are not allowed to prescribe themselves medications as that is illegal. Without insurance is cheaper than with insurance but still requires a prescription. I'm NAD but I know enough to know that I don't know shit about pharmacokinetics and medicine. You can refill your own albuterol inhaler and other routine meds and literally no one could care. May 30, 2024 · It’s not uncommon to see doctors and other healthcare professionals writing prescriptions for themselves or family members. Why should one professional get paid and not the other? For prescriptions that don't qualify a visit to the doctor is likely a good idea anyway. As a Canadian with work health insurance a lot of times a doctor will write you a script for something you can buy OTC so you can put it on your drug plan, just ask. Note this practice of professional courtesy is viewed as unethical in the USA these days. None of my family members have ever asked me for a scrip either - but that's probably because I'm far from the only MD in the family, so they'd be more likely to ask someone else first. Because he was the emergency room doctor the night my mom went into labor. Family doctors have a roster of patients, and get paid regardless. Can't be a controlled substance. Also, why should a dermatologist, for example, pay a £100 consultation fee for another dermatologist to prescribe them tretinoin which can be bought over Maybe you can talk to the doctor and explained that your grandparents are poor and cannot afford these extra fees. Sep 1, 2016 · It can become difficult when that close acquaintance asks you to write a prescription for their family member; many times this is a person that you’ve never met. I believe that was the beginning of 'professional courtesy', when doctors would not charge each other for services, and extend this to family members. 2012. Good luck OP. I would resist writing private prescriptions altogether unless this is part of a formal private practice arrangement with documentation, governance, communication with the patient's GP, etc. Your doctor may be observing signs of drug-seeking behavior. Welcome to Canada’s official subreddit! This is the place to engage on all things Canada. Any pharmacist with awareness of what's at stake in regards to their license wouldn't risk filling a self-written script for a physician that's a controlled substance. Jul 23, 2004 · Short general answer: No. It's not "illegal" for a doctor to write a control for a family member (state laws not withstanding) as long as all legal requirements are followed However, CVS takes the stance of the AMA regarding doctors prescribing controls for family and made it a flat no in all circumstances, even if all legal requirements are followed. Their reply was that doctors do not write prescriptions for OTC meds and it usually wouldn't get approved by insurance. gst ihys ocnyra kppy hpcvo dtzcft lepdzp lrwzf fuqj jgsmxx