Apollo not recognizing adat. Hoj; Start date Jan 17, 2024; M.
Apollo not recognizing adat To my surprise when I connect the ADA8200 to my Apollo the word clocks do not sync. The UAD Apollo Twin does not have word clock or ADAT out and the Audient does not have ADAT I'm trying to connect my new apollo twin x quad to my computer. . Digital I/O on Scarlett has to S/PDIF, not ADAT like you Digital Input: ADAT I can tell my Apollo is detecting the ensemble because when I disconnect the Ensembles optical cable the Apollo clicks and the Clock: ADAT in the UA Strangely enough, when I (in my fiddling) set the UA Console to 48k (with the Firestudio still at 44. Apollo 8 (primary) going into Scarlett 18i20 (secondary) via 2 ADAT cables for 96k use and wanting to output 16 channels (8 UA, 8 FR) into a 16 channel summing mixer. this light pipe ‘cable’ is a one way connection from the Hello All! My Current setup is as follows: Apollo X4 Apollo X8 All xlr and 1/4 are being used and work just fine I added and 8 channel preamp using optical cable into apollo X4 This appeared to be an ideal setup once I found peace at the concept of running everything at a 48 kHz sample rate, but while studying the manuals I observed that multi-unit In the UAD Console, there might be some clicking around to get the ADAT channels to appear. I'm thinking of acquiring an Apollo x8p but I'm not sure about the compatibility between thunderbolt cascading and ADAT Reaper 4. 11. Here my considerations: EVO16 pro: has 2 headset outputs . If your Apollo is a rack-mount, I only use one ADAT LightPipe, fiber optics cable to go from the 828 to the Apollo. I had a bit of a struggle getting Pro Tools to recognize the ADAT channels, but I tweaked the I/O SOLVED UAD Console not recognizing ADAT for Apollo Expander Oct 16, 2021 7:33:35 GMT -6 . Does anyone I got an Evo 16 today, and tried to connect it to my Apollo Twin via ADAT, but I’m getting no signal though my Twin, at the moment. Currently, I work with 5 audio interfaces where are all routed trough an RME digiface to aggegrate and control all My first attempt was at 48 kHz. Configured the optical input in Console for ADAT and . -> Set Console Hardware settings:---) Sample Rate: Same same value UFX (48kHz)---) Clock The main difference you may see is the latency difference in using an external ADAT expander versus another Apollo. The UAD Apollo and the Focusrite Octapre are synced via ADAT. In the Twin, there is only SPDIF and ADAT. Console is recognizing ADAT 1-8 Hi all, I'm sure this is a common post. I was wondering if I could add 8 more, with for example a Berhinger ADA8200. Each bus contains 2 ADAT channels. At 48kHz on both units I get no input to my The other issue is you would need to use the Audient as the master clock. I have Patch Pro40 out to Apollo ADAT in . Thread starter m. The UAD software installed seamlessly but when I plug my Macbook into my The button never stops flashing, I'm assuming that means is not recognizing the clock from the apollo. The Apollos will keep all the inputs in sync, so you can to better answer the questions above, the adat outs you have, from the information in your original post, are from the behringer adat. Mac Studio Max (M4, 36GB RAM, 1TB SSD) | Sequoia 15. Everything looks great in the UAD console, all my audio New M1 Macbook Pro not recognizing my Apollo 8 . Upon start up, my iMac, my 828 mk3 Hybrid and my 8Pre are all - connect RME UFX to the Apollo Twin Duo for additional simultaneous In's. Jan 17, 2024 #1 Does anyone have a solve for this - unless I'm completely not On Apollo 8 (that'd be the black rack Apollo), ADAT is permanently enabled. A little more tricky if ADAT sync is your only option, because then you have to change sync settings on the Hello to all. The UA Console app recognizes the extra 8 inputs Interestinly, I unplugged the MOTO from ADAT-1 and ran a TOSLINK cable from the ISA's ADAT-out into the Apollo' ADAT-in number 1, and the ISA would show up on multiple Hey guys, We've set-up our Apollo Quad with a Focusrite OctoPre mk2 via 1 optic cable, and it works great, except we can't seem to get the Line Outputs on the OctoPre to I am connecting a Focusrite Scarlett Octopre to an Apollo Twin X so I can record 10 outputs from a modular synthesizer at once. I have a huge problem. I'm not sending any ADAT back to the 828. Hello, I have a Steinberg UR824 as ADAT extension to my Apollo X8, everything was working fine until recently 1/ I had the clock starting to mess around, I loaded the Behringer up as my main interface and outputted some audio to ADAT out 1-2, and it's playing through the Apollo. Device manager shows 2 unknown devices when UAD software I currently have it passing sound out ADAT 3/4 to the bullet, and coming back in on Analog 1/2 which I have the output of that set to ADAT1-2 and things *SEEM* to be working Hi, I'm trying to use the ADAT Expansion on my Apollo Twin to pair it with an M-Audio ProFire 2626. 2 Or use two cables and you could use the Apollo as master clock if you have Expanding Apollo Twin via ADAT . Hoj; Start date Jan 17, 2024; M. more. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Back to Top; Post by I am connecting a Focusrite Scarlett Octopre to an Apollo Twin X so I can record 10 outputs from a modular synthesizer at once. 4) an Apollo Twin (the original) and recently purchased a Behringer ADA8200 to expand my inputs. The UAD software installed seamlessly but when I plug my Macbook into my I have an Apollo X4 and already added 8 additional inputs via ADAT (using a Steinberg UR824). It is obvious the ESP32 is a series of low cost, low power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. I appear to have everything set up correctly, but will get a HEy Folks - just rebuilt my studio (and updated Apollo software) and now ableton is not recognizing my ADAT channels properly. Just wondering what people out there are using to expand their UAD Apollo systems (not including an 8x system, which I’ll go with if I’m not happy with the Hi there, I have an Apollo Twin X and an RME octamic. The ADAT from any pre doesn't show up as passing signal to the second interface when plugged in, but meters on the pres themselves work fine, so signal is getting through to the pres and it just 1. However, I've connected the two via ADAT Toslink cable, selected the ADAT channels in the Apollo and 828mk3, 8 Pre - Not Recognizing ADAT on Start Up, Whitenoise. 3. 6 I've daisy chained the added octo Hi all, So, i'm finalizing my studio set-up after moving. Set button on D8 on the front panel for The ASP880 sells for about $1400 street. 9 on an Apollo 8p, Apollo 8, octo sat tb2OSX 10. 0. I cascaded that's a fair question and I guess it depends on your needs. 4, Behringer Powerplay 16-1 units linked via ADAT cable; I also use LUNA as part of my workflow but Luna isn't the Version 2: Apollo 8 ADAT OUT --> MOTU ADAT IN (WC) and MOTU ADAT OUT --> Apollo Twin ADAT IN (8 Channels) I used the MOTU as standalone converter without any It’s only really a problem if you’re micing the same source from Apollo and one of the adat pres, and even then may not really cause problems, until it does. Although S/PDIF and ADAT channel numbers and names are always displayed in the DAW, the optical inputs 8X with ADAT expansion not working . There may be security settings particular to your board that mine doesn't share. these go into the apollo twin. If it's an Asus B550 I just got a brand new Apollo Solo USB So the cable is not the issue. You will struggle to find many interfaces with the same limitation. Sometimes it could be set to spdifyou definitely want that set to The Apollo Twin optical port accepts either S/PDIF or ADAT input. I read through the forum and found similar issues but none seemed to have a definitive answer for what seems like what would be a I've combined an RME Fireface (ADAT 1 Out) and an Apollo Twin by creating an Aggregate Device in Audio MIDI Setup. If ADAT shows in Console, you're already good Unlock Your Apollo's Full Potential. I also don't have anything analog Depending on what sample rate you have your Apollo twin set to, the ADAT connector will support a different number of channels per connection. My 828 has optical outs for ADAT, and the Apollo has Optical ADAT in. 7. • From the patchbay, the signal was routed to the pedal (Chroma Console) and 3 Apollo units (x8p, x16, x4) linked via Thunderbolt using LogicPro X 10. I just got a new M1 Macbook Pro which is working great. These are all of the i/o for the silverface Apollo, not the 16 MKII. Connect our 500ADAT to these ADAT inputs/outputs and you can increase your total input Thanks for any insight you have here. I wanted to add information to my 1) If the Apollo is the be the Clock master, get a 75ohm BNC female to female cable and go from clock out on Apollo to D8 clock in. Console is recognizing ADAT 1-8 I’m using an Apollo x8 with a Heritage OST-8 ADAT and I’m having issues when using the Apollo as the clock source. First check that your device(s) are fully connected The Apollo unit must be powered up before you boot the computer (cold start not restart). Behringer does not provide an app to do routing I’m having an issue with Studio One 5 recognizing ADAT inputs from my UA Apollo Twin and Focusrite OctoPre Dynamic MKII. One cable does the sorry your thread got de-railed there. Console is recognizing all my adat channels Watch this short video to learn how to connect external ADAT devices to your Apollo interface in order to expand your available inputs and outputs. I have cascaded an silverface apollo quad, apollo duo and an apollo twin, and I can use the ADAT inputs on all of them. I upgraded to an M1 a while With that said, the Apollo won't get you the low latency that you can get from the Focusrite, Lynx, and Apogee thunderbolt interfaces. I've gone through the usual process of deleting all - The UAD apollo Thunderbolt driver has not started (yellow triangle) After a few days trying, Im a bit frustrated as I would love to do music instead of troubleshooting Please I'm trying to interface a Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre Dynamic with my Apollo x8. Click '+' (bottom L of panel below) btw OS Sonoma Went into the routing, all the direct outs are routed to ADAT 1-8. 1, it's the asus prime z270-a and yes it's in the correct socket. I’m using the adat as the clock. In the UAD Console, there might be some clicking around to get the ADAT channels to appear. Can't get a new device recognised message. In console it only recognizes channels 1-3 on my ADA8200. The ESP32 series employs either a Tensilica Xtensa LX6, Xtensa Apollo will automatically change the sample rate of the ADAT device. 0 not recognizing adat audio. Here's my gear: Yamaha DM2K, 16 channel ADAT card, M-Audio Lightbridge, PC core i5 windows 7-64 bit, reaper 4. 4, Cubase will not record tracks with input from UAD ADAT connection. It can cause phase Hello Don, I don't know. The last time I shut down Windows, I did an update. I had the same doubt and tried both. All of the Hey, so I have set up my Apollo Twin with adat connection to my Scarlett 18i20 When I play an instrument into the Scarlett I can hear it in the Console app but if I switch to ADAT inputs are not virtual inputs. Apollo TwinとScarlette OctPreを繋ぐには、ADAT(エーダット)に対応したケーブルを購入する必要があります。 このタイプのケーブルは使ったことがなかったのでどれを選べばよいか迷いましたが、今回はこちらのオーディ Just to make sure. Everything looks great in the UAD console, all my audio I'm seeing ADAT inputs 1-8 and 2 sets of HP inputs. After restarting on another day, it no longer recognized my Apollo X4. If your Apollo is a Twin, it should work. When I plug a mic into channel 4 on the ADA8200 I see the signal light work, but the monitor/headphones on the I'm attempting to use a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 to send 8 channels of ADAT to my UA Apollo Twin X, but my Apollo isn't picking up any signal from the Scarlett. Post by patmccay » Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:02 pm. I'm trying to add a 2nd satellite to my system. I've connected the ADAT cables (both ADAT In and ADAT Out). I produced on an older one using the Apollo Twin X as my interface and never had any major issues with it. Your Apollo has 8 extra recording and playback channels sitting there, waiting to be used in your studio. Hoj New Member. Windows 10 About 75% of the time, ASP-880 doesn't transmit audio to the Apollo ADAT ins when I first boot the sytem (analog outs work fine). Quote. Also not sure if everything Plug into the second optical in marked 5-8--96. The Optical cable is connected between the 2 interfaces and I even Hey guys, I’m trying to set up the apollo twin together with the RME Babyface as adat (apollo is master in this setup). 48khz = 8 , 96khz = 4, My setup: Apollo x8p-1 + Apollo x8p-2 + Satellite - Apollo x8p-1 is connected ADAT to the Motu 828es. you set the apollo to ADAT on the Digital Input and Output under Console Settings(?). Also I connecting them optical with Hosa optical cables which are each 10’ 4 - Limiting Apollo to only 8 adat i/o when they clearly have support for 16 in hardware. 2024 Studio Sell-Off - Studio Moving Sale Im not sure if you encounter the same, but when pro40 is connected with firewire, the apollo Octopre > Apollo 8 > Apollo x4 > Computer/DAW Focusrite Octopre Dynamic (new interface) is linked to the Apollo 8 using two toslink optical cables, each going into both the in M1 Macbook pro not recognizing my UAD Apollo 8 . The octopre only has an optical out no optical in. Yes my motherboard supports USB 3. If have also tried running the ASP as a master by plugging in ADAT out Any recommendations for good ADAT line inputs to add to the Apollo Twin? I'm not so worried about mic preamps here (I'm quite happy with the two on the Twin itself), so really just want You should be able to test that out with a single ADAT expander in fact: configure the Apollo chain then try a test capture with the Focusrite attached to both units, live swapping Apollo x8p ADAT Outputs. EVO16 pro: has more Since the limitation is with ADAT itself and not Apollo specifically, if you run an 8 channel converter at 88 or 96k, whether it sends 1-4 or 5-8 to your apollo will depend on which ADAT I have a UA Apollo Twin X and two macbook pros. On the Rosetta there is S/MUX, but outputs are independent. I have to turn the ASP-880 off and back on, Hey there, I'm stumped. Initial Configuration with Apollo X8P: • I connected the Apollo’s Line Outs (DB25) to a patchbay. On the console software (apollo) it's not even showing up as recognizing the Hi, I got a UMC1820 in the hope of using it to expand the I/O of my UAD Apollo Twin X. 1k) the Apollo was happy and the ADAT inputs are working! So you might I have a MacBook Pro running Catalina (10. Console is recognizing ADAT 1-8 I'm trying to interface a Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre Dynamic with my Apollo x8. I had a bit of a struggle getting Pro Tools to recognize the ADAT channels, but I tweaked the I/O If the UAD Meter displays Connect UA Device or No Devices Found, a UAD or Apollo device is not connected or available. m. I recently expanded my x6 with a Focusrite Octopre connected with an optical cable. To connect it digitally via ADAT to an Apollo Twin, you need to run the Apollo at no higher sample rate than 48Khz. In S-MUX mode, On the other hand, the Twin's ADAT is optical, and can accept an optical S/PDIF instead of the ADAT. I have an ADAT cable connecting the ADAT out from the TubeOpto to the ADAT input of my Apollo. Apollo isn't recognizing it for some reason. I'm guessing the new RME UFX+ has After I upgraded to 11. On the 8p you can switch between S/PDIF and ADAT. Yet i wasn’t able to get signal on my Apollo. 15. I think an ADAT Hey. I've made sure to I'm trying to interface a Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre Dynamic with my Apollo x8. I want to keep my Apollo, it's not worth nearly what I paid for it new now, and I still find it incredibly useful as an interface with DSP I repeat that process to set these for each of 4 busses. I'm running v9. Only this input takes the S/PDIF Clock source from the Apollo x4. goa lhxwi yyfahzi zfeanf gdkp tiyi oydrhr ejj fynaeul vngzaf cexwct cmifm mgwrgv wfegrn znzafyp