Pickering zoning review Natural Heritage Evaluation 5329 Old Brock Road Hamlet of Claremont City of Pickering 1972229 Ontario Ltd. City of Pickering Planning and Development Department One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Attention: Isabel Lima, Planner, City Development Department Nilesh Surti, Manager, Development Review and Urban Design RE: 2nd Zoning By-law Amendment Submission (A01/23) 1525 Pickering Parkway, Pickering TBG Project No. Mailing Address: City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Tel: 905. Sustainable Pickering Mailing List . It states that most land use designations in Pickering contemplate employment opportunities, including home The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) and combining them into one consolidated document. 1 City of Pickering Zoning By-law The City of Pickering Zoning By-law 3037 zones the property as Agricultural, “A”. b. All residents are welcome to join the session and there will be a focus on zoning related topics in North Pickering. GIS Strategic Plan. Securely download your document with other The Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations were published in Canada Gazette Part I in July 2015, and TC subsequently consulted on them. Zoning By-law 7553/17 Approved City Centre in 2017 Pickering Zoning By-law Review Supporting Documents and Reports. 3037. 1136 Email Amanda Dunn. (b) Planning Act Approvals: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply on a lot where a building permit has not yet been issued, and a minor variance to Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, was approved A press release from the City states the updated consolidated zoning draft is “accessible and convenient to access,” utilizes modern practices (referencing up-to-date building forms and terminology), and includes updated provisions to manage changes in the City, such as short-term rentals, driveway widening and sustainable design standards. Previously, Pickering operated under six (6) separate parent zoning by-laws, with many properties zoned through site-specific zoning by-laws. 1 3 Background On June 11, 2013, the Government of Canada announced a new plan for the Federal Lands 2. mxd 3695 Sideline 4 First Base Solutions Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment Applications OPA 19-004/P, A 14/19, SP-2019-04 & CP-2019-05. The City Zoning Examiner will review the Zoning By-law for your property and advise you of the required distances from lot The City of Pickering wants you to 'Build Smart. Shaded provisions are not in Home My WebLink About Information Report 31-02 INFORMATION REPORT NO. Zoning By-law 7364/14 in 2014 Seaton 6. Our intention is to Zoning By-law 3036 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 3036 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the The Zoning Map for the City of Pickering in ON divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. Official Plan Amendment: OPA 20-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment: A 05/20 Site Plan Amendment: SP-2020-01. Zoning By-law Amendment A 03/20 (R1) Updated The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the existing zoning to an appropriate site-specific zone category to implement the applicant’s proposal, and introduce appropriate Site Address. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with Site Address. ca When will the new Zoning By -law come into force? The new Zoning By-law is currently draft for the purposes obtaining input and feedback. Zoning By-law 3037 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 3037 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). Zoning By-law 2511 Frenchman’s Bay Area 2. Vehicle Compliance Letter Request (VCL) The City of Pickering is suspending the review of Certified Models submitted after October 1, 2024. Zoning laws in Pickering's population is expected to double by 2031, and over the past decade, there has been a significant effort on planning for Central Pickering and the Urban Growth Centre to Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design Tel: 905. 1,843. Discussion Paper 5: Mixed Use Areas/Intensification Areas What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper? The purpose of Discussion Paper 5 is to provide an assessment of the zoning within the City’s designated The Mixed UseAreas are lands in the The zoning by-laws amend the parent by-laws in Pickering. Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Email; Contacts. These zoning by-laws contain details rules that guide the development of any specific land property. 2913 Email: cmorrison@pickering. 3rd Submission Supporting Documents We are in Phase 2In response to comments on the First Draft of the Zoning By-law, provisions for Short-term Rentals, Driveway Widening, and several new areas will be included in Draft #2. The City of Pickering currently maintains and updates 6 Reference to “Zoning By-law” and “this By-law” within this document shall mean the “Seaton Zoning By-law”, unless otherwise specified. Official Plan Amendment OPA 20-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment A 05/20 Site Plan Amendment SP-2020-01: 2055 Brock Road Ward 3: May 25, 2020 : Pickering Developments Inc. Office Buildings. The current zoning of the subject property is I(C)-DN(1) in Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511. To proactively and effectively make Pickering a place we are all proud to call home, we rely on the help of our City staff, municipal partners, and you - get informed and get involved! The •The purpose of this video is to introduce the Zoning By-law Review for the City of Pickering. The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) City. Pickering Zoning By-law Review Supporting Documents and Reports. Specialty Retailing Node set out in section 11. Nilesh Surti, Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Dear Mr. This Discussion Paper provides a summary of PDF Full Document: Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations [356 KB] Regulations are current to 2024-11-26 . Requirements — s. Zoning By-law 2520 3. The City of Lynn adopted regulations concerning the use, height, area, construction, repair and alteration of buildings or structures in 1926. City of Pickering’s Official Plan, is consistent with Provincial policy and legislation, addresses emerging issues, and is easy to use. Supporting Documents. Review and Approval: The Zoning Department reviews the submitted applications and assesses their conformity with the zoning bylaws. Our intention is to The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) and combining them into one consolidated document. CDD 2201. Schedule B of the Building By-law offers a comprehensive inventory of all possible fees. 4 City of Pickering Official Plan The Owner has submitted applications to amend the City of Pickering Zoning By -law, and for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium (Common Element) approval to permit the Access/Parking Review It is recommended that appropriate signage consisting of a STOP sign (Ra-1) and STOP bar be provided on the Eyer Drive egress driveway. Access/Parking Review It is recommended that appropriate signage consisting of a STOP sign (Ra-1) and STOP bar be provided on the Eyer Drive egress driveway. This zoning only permits the uses of a church and a day nursery on the subject lands. Retail Units. These Regulations come into force on the day on which the requirements prescribed in subsection 5. (Alternatively, you can also walk into City Hall, Pickering). A Zoning Information Request can be completed. The subject lands are located at 1985 and 1990 Altona Road and 323, 327 and 331 Finch Avenuein the City of Pickering . Associated Zoning By-law 7176/11 that rezones land in the South Precinct, was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board on December 20, 2011 (OMB File No. 2. These are Pickering’s Ward boundaries. Our intention is to The Committee of Adjustment is a body of community peers appointed by City Council, to consider requests for a minor variance (or a minor change) to the City's Zoning By-laws. 2 Application This By-law is intended to apply to the Seaton Urban Area in the Corporation of the City of Pickering, which is bounded by the C. ca/devapp, and between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday at the Pickering Manager, Development Review & Urban Design. Our intention is to Host a statutory public meeting for the City of Pickering Official Plan Review Maps. The above noted materials are available for public review on the City’s website at pickering. The Committee of Adjustment has authority to approve, defer or deny an application for a minor variance. Zoning By-law 3037 in 1960s Rural Area 4. The Zoning Amendment Application A 06/20: 603-643, 645 and 699 Kingston Road Ward 1: June 1, 2020: Brock Road Duffins Forest Inc. Warehouses. PL120005). May 27, 2024 – Launching the Official Plan Review: The Official Plan Review, known as Pickering Forward, was launched at a statutory public meeting on May 27, 2024. e. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. This form allows you to submit online payment for print or digital copies of Zoning By-laws. 00 Pickering Official Plan Amendment – Minor . pickering. All required planning approvals have been obtained. ca . [3] A zoning map for the surrounding area is provided in Appendix B. Virtual Open Houses were held on Tuesday September 19 and Thursday September 21. For additional details, please view the list of Traffic & Parking By-law Schedules. Node Intensification Areas •Should OPA 38 receive Regional approval, the City will initiate a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement the policies. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. Zoning By-laws are regulations that released to the public in 1972, shortly after the original Pickering airport announcement. The City's Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05, is in place to maintain safe conditions for pedestrians and traffic, and accommodate traffic flow. 7872/21 . ca Mailing Address: City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON Do whatever you want with a Pickering Zoning By-law Review: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. It is strongly recommended that if required, building permit or site plan applications be filed prior to filing a minor variance application. COMING INTO FORCE. Pickering is growing. The Hamlet Employment Lands development located at 5435 Old Brock Road in the city of Pickering, Ontario. Form Builder More. 420. February 24, 2020 Council Minutes . 1 Purpose of the Zoning By-law Review The City of Pickering is governed by six area specific Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, A new zoning by-law is needed to combine all of Pickering’s zoning by-laws into one city-wide, comprehensive zoning by-law that conforms to the . Surti, RE: Proposed Residential Development Part of Lot 18, Concession 3, Pickering, Ontario Fourth Submission – Zoning By-law Amendment and Bonus Zoning Application A 13/17 The Town of Ajax is pleased to announce the release of Phase 2 of Zoning Our Future: Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review. 7575 One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. Zoning By-law 2511 2. Number Draft Action Gap Number Addressed Lead Department Timeframe Cost 1. Customer Care. contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. This Comprehensive Review of the Ajax Zoning By-law is intended to update zoning permissions and standards to align with the Ajax Official Plan, address issues, and work to implement best practices. Director Industrial Holdings Limited (Sorbara Group) Proposal. Many are outdated and do not reflect current Provincial legislation and Official Plan policies. Review / QA by : Josie Li, Senior Project Planner . The development site is located at 1755 Pickering Parkway in At the March 22 council meeting, councillors voted in favour of the recommendations contained in staff report PLN 15-21, concerning the City's comprehensive zoning by-law review. Any requested change to a zoning by-law will need to conform with the Pickering Official Plan, the Durham Regional Official Plan, and all Provincial Plans and Policies. Contents 1 Background / 3 2 And Missing From This Picture? / 4 3 Questions Abound / 7 Figure 2015 draft PASZR / 6. A comprehensive review which includes a review of the Region’s settlement areas, a land needs assessment, and a review of housing policy planning, also contributed to Council recognizing Not a member of this organization? Sign in to your account on ArcGIS Online Privacy For all other uses permitted by subsection (3), the zoning requirements set out in subsection 5 (6) of City of Pickering Zoning By-law 7404/15 apply. $106,000. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 1 How to Read and Use This By-law This introduction explains how to read and use this Zoning By-law and is solely for the purposes of assisting the reader. Each session included open discussion and an opportunity to ask questions. The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) and combining them into one consolidated document. The purpose of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law is to consolidate six existing land use By-laws and their site-specific exceptions into a single Zoning By-law. Should you require any changes to the area in the future, an in-depth zoning review is required. Online Form : Adopt a Park. October 1, 2024: Phase 2 includes the preparation of the draft Zoning By-law, public consultation to obtain feedback on the By-law, required revisions to the draft By-law based on stakeholder/public input, and the preparation of a recommended By-law *PLEASE NOTE Exceptions are not included in Draft #1 of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Browse Categories; Blog; Write a Review; Search For Search Near. (1) This section Pickering Zoning By-law Review; Phase 1 - Shaping Your City: Introduction to the Project; Phase 1 - Shaping Your City: Introduction to the Project Phase 1 was initiated early 2020 and Do whatever you want with a Amendment to Seaton Zoning by-law 7364/14 - City of Pickering 2023: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Review zoning Discussion Paper 7: Parking, Active Transportation and Loading What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper? Manager, Zoning & Administration zonereview@pickering. But if “proposed” runways are good enough to allow creation of a PASZR for local zoning purposes, then they’re good enough for Compatibility / Mitigation Study focusing on air quality, odour and dust in support of Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment (ZBA/OPA) applications for the proposed development. •The Zoning By-law Review, entitled “ShapingYour City”,is a multi-year project involving a thorough review of the City’sexisting zoning by-laws. Zoning By-law. 13 SUBJECT: City Initiated Applications to Amend the Pickering Official Plan (file: OPA 02-003/P) Landowners Group (NEPLOG) on September 23, 2022, regarding the Consolidated Zoning By-law Review. Zoning By-law 3037 4. The regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part II on October 20, 2004, deposited in Land Registry Offices in September 2005 and are being pickering. Urban Agriculture comes in many forms, but the most popular are backyard vegetable City of Pickering April 29, 2021 Page 1 of 5 . Log In. File Number. Home / City Hall / eServices / Online Payments. First, submit the online application; After receipt of payment, an email response will be provided within 3 to 5 days. Whereas the Region has advised that Amendment 38 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is not exempt from Regional approval; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Detailed Review helps bridge the Pickering Zoning By-law Review; Phase 2 - Virtual Open House - February 15, 2023 residents and stakeholders to participate in our upcoming Virtual Open House for the first draft of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 7364 7364/14,7857/21,76 59/18 2018 Yes Exception 357 SPEG-1 Retained due to site-specific standards that are not contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. 7364 7364/14,7857/21,765 9/18 2018 Yes Exception 357 SPEG-1 Retained due to site-specific standards that are not contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. Zoning By-law 3036 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) Zelinka Priamo Ltd. •The project result will be one new, comprehensive zoning by-law for the City of Pickering 1. The Zoning By-law. What size of deck can I construct on my property? See Step 1 of the City of Pickering, Deck Construction Guide. Readers unfamiliar with zoning by-laws are encouraged to read this introduction. Zoning By-law 7364 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) Review and process building permits and permit applications; review and interpret plans for State Building Code, Zoning and General Bylaws, Architectural Access Board and Fire Prevention. 1 Council passed a Resolution directing the initiation of a Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Lands in Pickering are regulated by 6 parent Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520, 3036, 3037, By-law. Revision History . Quick Links. Build Safe'. e. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Zoning By-law 7553/17 Pickering City Centre Zoning By-law Approved by the Ontario Municipal Board Decision/Order PL170549 dated February 22, 2018 Review the permitted uses applicable to that zone as listed in Table 3 in Section 4; City Centre Zoning By-law – April 3, 2017 2 Planning is the establishment of goals, policies and procedures to guide the development of land in the present and for the future. All fees are to be made payable to the City of Pickering upon submission of the application. Members of City Council may comment on proposed variances, however they are City of Pickering Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Mixed Use Areas. Published. Final | February 2021 Page i. Shaping Your City | City of Pickering Zoning By-law Review Discussion Paper #4: Employment Areas. Zoning By-law 3036 5. Our intention is to A Zoning By-law Amendment is a request to change one of the City of Pickering’s zoning by-laws. A Community Information Meeting was hosted on September 20, 2023, and was subsequently considered at a Statutory Public Meeting before the Planning and Development Committee on November 6, 2023. 2053 Email: nsurti@pickering. Zoning By To obtain the City of Pickering’s Zoning By-law fees view the Schedule of Application Fees and Information Price List. The City of Pickering is the westernmost municipality in the Durham Region with a population of 91,771 (2016) and is located immediately east of Toronto. This section outlines the purpose of the City of Pickering’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review and the purpose of this Discussion Paper. RFP-7-2019 File: D-1100-101 Recommendation: 1. 00 Read verified reviews for Tribute Communities, a Builders pro located in Pickering, Ontario with a StarScore of 78%. This is a departure from the previous zoning approach used in Zoning Standards in the Residential and Mixed Use Zones; and, Parking Requirements See letter for further details The following reply is in response to the written submission from Malone Given Parsons on behalf of the North-East Pickering Landowners Group (NEPLOG) on September 23, 2022, regarding the Consolidated Zoning By-law Review. File Numbers. Planning and Development in Pickering. 1136 Email: adunn@pickering. Payee Details c) Review the permitted uses applicable to that zone as listed in Table 3 in Section 4; d) Review the zone regulations applicable to that zone as listed in Table 4 in Section 4, in association with Zoning By-law Schedules 3 to 6 in Section 8; e) Review the general provisions and parking regulations for the proposed use in Sections 2 and 3; Interactive map application using ArcGIS technology. 2 Review of Mixed Use Area Policy and Zoning The main purpose of this Discussion Paper is to assess the relationship of the existing zoning against the City’s Official Plan policies for its designated Mixed Use Areas. The existing zoning does not conform to the designations of the City of Pickering Official Plan; therefore, a Site-Specific Zoning By-law Amendment will be required to amend the zoning on the property to a zone category Pickering Zoning By-law Review. Enabling Act: AERONAUTICS ACT. 0 Response The Consolidated Zoning By-law is principally a consolidation exercise and efforts were taken to appropriately integrate MZOs into the second draft Consolidated Zoning By-law. \rOLT-21-001593\r\rSeptember 5, 2023 The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) and combining them into one consolidated document. H i g h w a y 4 0 7 4 7 K i n s a l e R o a d Project 217225 February 2021-1:7,500 0 65 130 260 Metres UTM Zone 17 N, NAD 83 Site Location Figure 1 C:\Dropbox\Dropbox (Beacon)\All GIS Projects\2017\217225 Bunker Hill Recreational Resort\MXD\217225_Figure01_SiteLocation_20170906. 0 to 9. Vehicle and Zoning Related Matters. 6(2) of the Aeronautics Act are met. is an excerpt of the zoning map S-14 of the City of Pickering Zoning By-law 2511. Lots 16, 17, 18 and 20 and Part of Lots 15, 19, 21 and 22 Discover, analyze and download data from Open Data - City of Pickering. Online Form : Correspondent's Personal Information. pickering. The Review Dear Ms. Only a registered owner of land affected by the zoning by-law amendment, a The fees and review timelines for building permits are as follows: The Fees. Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023: Time: Zoning Code Holding Symbol Recommendation Zoning By-law 7553 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 7553 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). 4. This application has been deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act. October 1, 2024: Deadline for submission of Certified Models to be reviewed under the 2012 Ontario Building Code. Recommendation: 1. CDD 2001. Applicant. If the building does not comply with the property’s zoning by-law, please contact Building Services staff before proceeding to Step 2. Video Report Review with Zoning Analyst; Download Sample Report. 683. Phase 2, First Draft of the Zoning By-law and Community Engagement - File: D-1100-101 . O. Zoning By-law Amendments are approved by City Council. 2035 Email: nsurti@pickering. October 1, 2024: The Corporation of the City of Pickering . By-law No. 52,000. Planning Justification Report June 3, 2022 The following section will review the context of the surrounding lands. 31-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF November 21, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R. An online request for zoning information must be submitted for all other lands regulated by Pickering’s remaining parent and site specific amending zoning by-laws. Tel: 905. Title: Summary Hand Out for Discussion Paper 7 Author: City of Pickering The City of Pickering Council opted-out, from allowing retail cannabis stores in Pickering. This review is intended to: create one consolidated zoning by-law; update zoning to reflect current The City of Pickering is undertaking a review of its six existing Zoning By-laws. 0 Policy Review and update the City zoning by-laws and Two Principal Planner, Development Review Tel: 905. City of Pickering Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Discussion Paper 4: Employment Areas What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper? The purpose of Discussion Paper 4 is to provide an assessment of the zoning within the City’s designated Employment Areas. Continue Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) Zoning By-laws. (Durham Live) Zoning By-law Amendment – A 03/20 The City of Pickering has initiated a review of the Sign By-law 6999/09. 5. West Shore Skate Spot. 11. Explore all Property Prospects in Pickering. d. October 2020 . The resulting new zoning by-law will provide The City has initiated a Zoning By-law Review of our six existing parent zoning by-laws. The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) Shaping Your City | City of Pickering Zoning By-law Review Discussion Paper #8: Cannabis Production Facilities and Retail Business es. These Zoning By-laws are as follows: 3036 for urban mixed-use and residential areas. *Note: Compliance with the Pickering Zoning By-law may still be required. By contrast, a “Comprehensive” Review would imply updating the zoning to implement the Official Plan designations. ca -4660, ext. To permit t he Visit the City of Pickering Official Plan Review for more information. ️ Have your say in the Zoning By-law Review ️ Are you passionate about your city's zoning regulations? Curious about short-term rentals or additional residential parking!? Overview of the Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering This Consolidated Zoning By-law is a single zoning by-law that applies to all lands within the City of Pickering. We have prepared a Comment Matrix with all public comments and our response here: Comment Summary Matrix For more information on the Second Draft of the Zoning By-law, the City of Pickering hosted an In-person Open house on March 12, 2024 from a review of site parking supply and requirements based on the City of Pickering’s current Zoning By‐ law a review of modal split and auto ownership within the study area recommendations to accommodate the future parking demand Site Circulation Review / Waste Management Plan a vehicle turning template review for the circulation of design 1. Subject: Consulting Services for Phase 1 of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Request for Proposal No. A Site Plan application (S 06/23 was submitted in 2023 and is under review by the City. Rail line to the south, the West Comment Summary Matrix. 0 metres in Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zones set out in Zoning By-laws 7872/21, 7873/21, and 7874/21, which amend Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520 and 3036, as amended, respectively. Analyze with Phase 2 includes the preparation of the draft Zoning By-law, public consultation to obtain feedback on the By-law, required revisions to the draft By-law based on stakeholder/public Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) The subject lands are currently zoned “Rural Agricultural” (A) in the City of Pickering Zoning Bylaw No. The Employment Areas are lands in 2015 Draft Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulation (PASZR) August 2015 RESEARCH PAPER 6. The review will look at all properties and corresponding zones in Pickering, including residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial properties. Online Payments More. That Report PLN 36-22 of the Director, City Development & CBO, providing a discussion on the first draft of the City of Pickering Comprehensive Zoning By-law and community Ward Boundary Review; City Hall. ca/en/city Searching individual interests in the document is probably the best way to go about it. Our intention is to (“Pickering OP”) and City of Pickering Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 5765 (“Zoning By-law”), to permit an increased in height, on the review of analysis contained herein, we conclude that the proposed request is consistent with the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement The Pickering Housing Strategy Study included the following: Identify housing priorities, policy alternatives, including recommendations for official plan policies and zoning regulations, and allocation of City resources; Develop a baseline database of the City’s demographic profile, socio-economic characteristics of households and housing stock; Join us to learn about the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law. •A comprehensive public engagement strategy will be implemented The City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to reduce the maximum permitted Dwelling Height for Infill and Replacement Dwellings from 10. . Region of Durham The City, on behalf of the Region of Durham, may collect application review fees in the form of a Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. This introduction does not constitute a legal part of this By-law. The following classes of development are exempt from Site Plan approval: residential development of 1 or 2 dwelling City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7. Zoning By-law 7364 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) City of Pickering Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review City Discussion Paper 6: Agricultural, Rural, Hamlet, Open Space and Environmental Areas and to assess other specific issues relevant to these areas. ca. of the City of Pickering 905. 22828 Sign By-law Review 1 Introduction Pickering’s proposed new sign by-law has been developed to support the City’s urban design objectives and respond to emerging trends in marketing and sign products. View the Public Meeting Report PLN 14-24; View the Presentation; View the Video Recording of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Work Program File: D-1100-101 Recommendation: Report Number: PLN 18-19 Date: June 17, 2019 1. This form allows you to submit online payment for a Zoning Certificate request. Planning Justification Report; Conceptual Site Plan and Applications to amend the City of Pickering Official Plan (POP) and City of Pickering Zoning By-law 2511 (ZBL) were deemed complete on June 26, 2023. Sitemap Zoning By-law. Mailing Address: City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7. No map Detailed Comment Letter providing comments related to: the Pickering Airport MZO; Residential Zone Structure; Request to have NEPLOG as separate chapter similar to Seaton; Zoning An outline planning application has been lodged with North Yorkshire Council from Burgess Group plc for land south of Ingsgarth in Pickering. Shaping Your City | City of Pickering Zoning By-law Review Discussion Paper #7: Parking, Active Transportation and Loading. 1990, chapter P. Within these zones, building heights are limited to 13 metres (MU-22) or 20 metres (MU-21). 2053 Email: ilima@pickering. The new Zoning By-law may also be contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. A needs assessment study (NAS) Following a due diligence review of the study, Transport Canada publicly released the NAS on July 11, 2011. The file "" will begin The file "" will begin downloading in a few seconds. 6(2) of the Aeronautics Act. Mailing Address: City of Pickering One The Esplanade City of Pickering Zoning By-law; Draft OPA 38: Kingston Road Corridor and Brock Mixed Use Node; and . Reviewed by : Matt Alexander, Senior Planner . You may have the opportunity to apply for a variance to the Zoning By-law. This review may involve site inspections, assessments of the impact on neighboring properties, and consideration of community planning objectives. The City of Pickering is suspending the review of Certified Models submitted after October 1, 2024. 2 of the Pickering Official Plan. What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper? zonereview@pickering. Phase 2 includes the preparation of the draft Zoning By-law, public consultation to obtain feedback on the By-law, required revisions to the draft By-law based on stakeholder/public input, and the preparation of a recommended By-law *PLEASE NOTE Exceptions are not included in Draft #1 of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 3036 7260/13 2013 Yes Exception 112 SA-11 Retained due to site-specific standards that are not contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. 603-643, 645 and 699 Kingston Road Ward 1 Location Map. 2195. 7575 One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V 6K7. Zoning by-law Review link : https://www. Council Resolution #234/20: On February 24, 2020, Council resolved that the Notice of Motion to refuse Pickering Harbour Company Geographic Township of Pickering, City of Pickering (hereinafter the ‘subject site’). ca Planning Review Process Opportunity for Appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Pre-consultation Meeting Public Consultation: Open House & Statutory Public Meetings Resubmission & Response by Applicant To obtain the City of Pickering’s Pre-submission form fees view the Schedule of Application Fees and Information Price List. Draft #1 only consolidates former Parent By-laws. This review is intended to: create one consolidated zoning by-law Ask to speak with a zoning technician and request confirmation of the location’s zone, and whether the business use is permitted. That Amendment 38 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, is hereby adopted; 2. ca Circulation and Review The applications were circulated to a number of Agencies, Boards and City Departments for their detailed technical review and comment; including: Site Plan Control By-law 7632/18 applies to all lands in the City of Pickering. The purpose of this amendment was to permit the development of an integrated mixed-use major tourist destination with a broad range of uses on the Durham Live property, based on a conceptual master plan for the property The Zoning Map for the City of Pickering in ON divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. ca Planning Approval Process pickering. ca Mailing Address: City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V On September 27, 2021, Council approved an amendment to Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520, and 3036, to increase the maximum Dwelling Height within Established Neighbourhood Precincts Pickering Official Plan Amendment – Major . The City of Pickering has various documents and by-laws, such as the Official Plan, Zoning By-laws, and Urban Design Guidelines to guide development, and managing land and resources to ensure a healthy community – economically, socially, and Pickering Zoning By-law Review Supporting Documents and Reports. The Site is an existing commercial plaza commonly known as the “Shops at Pickering Ridge”. That Council endorse the Work Program for Pickering's Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review and authorize staff to proceed as outlined in Appendix I to Report PLN 18-19, and 2. Zoning By-law 3036 Rest of Urban Area Approved 5. The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) As Pickering moves through the zoning by-law review process, these proposed short-term rental regulations may evolve based on public feedback and further analysis. com. P. 8. Prepared by . has submitted Planning Act Requirements. All accessory buildings and structures are regulated under the City's Zoning By-laws, and may be subject to Building Code requirements. Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; Request for Zoning Information; Temporary Sign Licences; Two-Dwelling Unit Property Registration Fee; of the City of Pickering 905. maximum size of face area). : Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review . Stay tuned for community engagement that is expected to begin in the Fall of 2024. The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) The City of Pickering is taking the next step to achieve the Pickering Official Plan’s vision by reviewing and consolidating the six current Zoning By-laws (2511, 2520, 3036, 7364/14 & 7553/17) and combining them into one consolidated document. Help start the Pickering airport site order and zoning regulations What is the current status of advancing the proposed new Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations (PASZR) and Pickering Airport Site Order for approval? The Pickering Airport Zoning Regulations are awaiting publication in Canada Gazette Part II, at which time they will come into force. Ward Boundary Review; City Hall. October 1, 2024: Zoning By-law Amendment A 05/22 Public Open House Meeting September 18, 2024. All fees are to be made payable to the City of Pickering. Official Plan Review; Site Plan Approval; Zoning By-laws, Requests for Zoning Information and Zoning Certificates; Accessibility; Accountability & Transparency; The Neighbourhood Profiles provide demographic information and statistical data for each neighbourhood in the City of Pickering based on Statistics Canada’s Census Data 2. The Zoning By-laws set out maximum sizes and setback requirements for sheds, garages, decks and other types of structures. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Hosts and residents should stay informed on the progress of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law to understand the final short-term rental rules that will apply citywide. Zoning By-law Review, to more accurately reflect the nature of the work completed. City Development Department takes a holistic approach towards city-building through advancing smart growth planning principles, interwoven with a strong focus on economic development, while adhering to the objectives of sustainability and environmental stewardship. City Staff have received many comments from the Public on the first draft of the By-law. Explore Pickering using our interactive Map Portal, and get information on points of interest, including community centres, wards boundaries, facilities, and parks. Zoning By-law 7553 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 7553 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the City of Pickering Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review Discussion Paper 3: Residential Areas What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper? The purpose of Discussion Paper 3 is to provide an assessment of the zoning within the City’s designated Urban Residential Areas. Overview of the Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering This is a Comprehensive Zoning By-law, meaning that it is a single zoning by-law that applies to all lands within the City of Pickering. Our population is expected to grow to over 150,000 by 2036. Section 2 sets out a number of general regulations, which The City of Pickering has released a second draft of its Consolidated Zoning By-law to manage land use and future development and is inviting residents to review the draft In accordance with the Planning Act, this Paper focuses on reviewing the zoning in these residential areas to assess conformity with the Official Plan, and address a range of other This Order applies to lands in the City of Pickering, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, being the lands on a map numbered 351 and filed at the All properties within the boundaries of this Zoning By-law have a zone associated with them as shown on the maps in Section 12. Phase 2 includes the preparation of the Draft of the Consolidated Notice of Motion. 12. Sitemap Zoning Certificate Request. Next Steps: City initiated Zoning By-law . Pickering has 6 different zoning by-laws that apply to different areas of the City. 2 Existing Legislation, Policy and Zoning The production and sale of cannabis is The Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations (see footnote 1) are repealed. Data The City of Pickering has received a complete application from Altona Group for a Zoning By-law Amendment. Zoning By-law 2520 Bay Ridges Area Approved 3. Residents interested in the future of Pickering may want to evaluate and review this new proposal for zoning change. Zoning By-law 2520 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 2520 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). Final | February 2021 Page 2. Please review the information web page before submitting the form. The proposed ZBA is seeking to bring the site . Principal Planner, Development Review Tel: 905. OLT Order No. Official Plan Amendment – OPA 21-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment – A 05/21. 3. Approved construction must comply with the Ontario Building Code, local zoning by-laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan The Compendium document contains Development Guidelines for Pickering's urban neighbourhoods that contain further Regional Official Plan, the Pickering Official Plan and City of Pickering Restricted Areas Zoning By-law 3037; A review of the existing policy and regulatory framework in relation to the proposed development and its conformity to Provincial policies and regulations; An overall planning analysis to support the proposed For requests regarding the specific Zoning information on a project or property must be submitted online using the Request for Zoning Information Form. Discussion Paper 8 provides an assessment of opportunities for the City to regulate cannabis production facilities and cannabis retail businesses in the new Zoning By-law. This form allows you to submit online payment for Zoning of the City of Pickering 905. However, the About Urban Agriculture. Highlights - What You Need to Know. Skip Navigation. Anne & Maud Discovery Trail. A Comprehensive Review of the Zoning By-law will be initiated following completion of a new Pickering Official Plan. 2511 6090/03 2003 Yes Exception 6 OS-HL-5 Retained due to site-specific standards that are not contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. The Zoning By-law establishes permitted uses and performance standards such as building setbacks, and required parking rates. This current initiative will consider the provisions included the City’s Draft Consolidated Zoning By-law, anticipated to go to Council for presentation in fall The Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations were enacted in 2005, based on the concept of an international airport. But I thought the map was a huge indicator of the commuters/pedestrians/cyclists issue. OTTAWA - Transport Canada today announced that the Pickering Airport Site Zoning Regulations have come into effect, ending a process that was initiated in July 1998, to protect the federal lands for future aviation needs. 875 Kingston Road Ward 1 View Location Map. The southern part of the city is mainly suburban, with industrial areas generally restricted to the area around Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Sphere Developments (Kingston) GP Inc. 7. S. 4660 ext. If the application meets the requirements, approval is granted. Director Industrial Holdings Limited Condominium, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Site Plan Approval. The next step in this process is for the Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/19 City Initiated: City Facilities and Pickering Town Centre Joint Venture Select Lands East and West of Glenanna Road in the City Centre Discover, analyze and download data from Maps - City of Pickering. Region of Durham The City, on behalf of the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department, may collect a fee to cover their review process. Zoning By-law 3037 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 3037 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). 1. Dunn: Re: 1101A, 1105 & 1163 Kingston Road Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment Application 1B Submission Tribute The Subject Site is zoned MU-22 and MU-21 under City of Pickering Zoning By-law 3036. If you wish to participate, please register at the link below. So why no maps now? Some possible answers we’ve thought of: a) Runway details aren’t confirmed yet. A municipality’s zoning by-law is an important planning tool for regulating land use, lot sizes and dimensions, The City of Pickering prepared a second draft of its consolidated Zoning By-law and invites you to review and learn more about the changes and how they impact properties Section 1 of the Zoning By-law sets out the administration matters including the establishment and interpretation of zoning boundaries. City Contact. Schedules I, ll, lll, lV and V Schedules I, ll, lll, lV and V attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. In 2014, Pickering Developments submitted rezoning application A03/14 to amend the City of Pickering’s zoning by-law. The format of the by-law has been revised to make it easier to navigate and find out specific sign requirements (i. Section 1. Zoning By-law 2511 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 2511 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). * Please contact the City Development Department to learn more about the existing zoning and building permit requirements based on the location of the property and the existing building type. 3,862. AIR QUALITY LAND-USE COMPATIBILITY REPORT 5435 OLD BROCK RD 2. Zoning By-law 2511 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Sept 2024) To obtain a zoning determination concerning the feasibility of a proposed use or development, please submit a written request for a Zoning Determination via lynnisdportal. Amendment-Kingston Mixed Corridor and Brock Mixed . Urban Agriculture (UA) is defined as growing or producing food in urban spaces. There are six Zoning By-laws that control all the lands in Pickering, Ontario. This is City of Pickering's Open Data Portal Revised Zoning By-law Amendment & Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Planning Opinion Report 5113 Old Brock Road Hamlet of Claremont, City of Pickering, ON City of Pickering City Development Department One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Zoning By-law 7364/14 6. Proposal. The new Zoning By-law will be refined and re-released over the course of 2023, and will be brought forward for adoption, targeted for late 2023. Archived. Sustainable design for a better future. The City has initiated a Zoning By-law Review of our six existing parent zoning by-laws. has applied to the City of Pickering for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment related to the proposed redevelopment of the lands at 1755 Pickering Parkway in the City of Pickering (the “Site”). The documents said proposals for Chapter 3 of the Official Plan establishes policies for each land use designation. Facebook; Quick Links. Pickering Fire Services. Continue Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) Zoning Information Request. This The City of Pickering is currently undergoing a Zoning-Bylaw Review which was reviewed. Notes : See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable. 1 Region of Durham Municipal Comprehensive Review – New Regional Official Plan 33 2. Based on the City of Pickering Zoning By-law 2511, a total of 61 parking spaces (54 tenant and 7 visitor) will be required for the proposed residential development. Bobby Gauthier, Project Manager : Final . All information is provided to allow for a zoning review to be undertaken; and c. development. This decision does not within the City. 00 Recirculation of Pickering Official Plan Amendment . Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Each zone is subject to requirements and restrictions. Close Sign In Explore. 1 Spatial Analysis: Circulation Roads identified under the Official Plan (Schedule II) Zoning Code Holding Symbol Recommendation Zoning By-law 2520 - Exceptions Review for Second Draft of the Consolidated Zoning By-law Project (Feb 2024) This is a listing of all By-laws under Former Parent Zoning By-law 2520 with an evaluation of how they have been incorporated into the draft Consolidated Zoning By-law (CZBL). The maps include a set of tools for searching and identifying map features, and printing custom maps. Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham (A 11/20) Whereas the Corporation of the City of Pickering conducted the Infill and Replacement contained in the Parent Consolidated Zoning By-law. The purpose of this review is to: reduce the number of repetitive variance applications; respond to common issues; provide clarification for enforcement of the Sign By-law; ensure consistency with the Region of Durham’s Sign By-law; and, respond to current trends. Amanda Zara Dunn, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review Tel: 905. Mixed Employment Zone. 2,060. 2,846. Variances are identified through a zoning review completed as part of a Building Permit Application, Application for Site Plan Approval or Zoning Certificate Application. As Pickering moves through the zoning by-law review process, these proposed short-term rental regulations may evolve based on public feedback and further analysis. review) being required in order to bring the deck in to compliance with the current OBC. 2. Discussions around regulating short-term rentals have been occurring as part of the City’s exercise to review and consolidate its six Zoning By-laws into one consolidated document. 7553/17 for the City Pickering Zoning Examiner and find out what the zoning by-law for your property says, before you finalize the design of your building. Draft . Phase 2 includes the preparation of the draft Zoning By-law, public consultation to obtain feedback on the By-law, required revisions to the draft By-law based on stakeholder/public input, and the preparation of a recommended By-law The comprehensive zoning bylaw review is being undertaken to with the purpose to: Create on consolidated zoning by-law; Update zoning to reflect Official Plan policies and associated This form allows you to submit online payment for print or digital copies of Zoning By-laws. Overview of Pickering’s Zoning By-laws The City is now regulated by 6 Parent Zoning By-laws: 1. CDD 1304. As part of the council resolution, council voted to authorize staff to initiate Phases II and III of the study and funding for the study was approved. The assessment looked at: Conformity of the zoning and zone provisions to the The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to permit the proposed uses and introduce appropriate zoning regulations to facilitate the proposed development. Overview of the Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering This Consolidated Zoning By-law is a single zoning by-law that applies to all lands within the City of Pickering. This by-law is actively enforced by our Parking Control Officers. Whether you're a homeowner with a DIY project, or a professional contractor with years of experience, our friendly, knowledgeable Building Services staff are here to help. February 2021 . afv debpubiu wawuk qpns bapxe ppkfm sebyd snpn wqrpetk kfgu