Pet speaking part 3 pdf. CANDIDATES SPEAK IN TURNS.
Pet speaking part 3 pdf Finally PET-SPEAKING-PART-3-DESCRIBING-A-PHOTO. Exercise 2 has students discuss advantages and disadvantages of each activity. Learners predict the prompts that may appear in the t ask, think about the advantages and disadvantages of each E:\PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials. Tips đạt điểm cao Part 1 – Speaking PET. Can I have your mark sheets, please? The document provides sample questions for a PET speaking test that is divided into two parts. Part 2 provides prompts to speak about topics like friends, family, home and holidays. Be ready to: • give your opinion and reasons • ask your partner's opinion. Part 3 (3 minutes) Examiner Say to both candidates: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. It advises talking about the scene, what people are wearing, what they are doing, and objects in the picture. Ask Candidate B first. Dec 12, 2017 · 1. Give some personal reaction to the picture 7. Allow PET ( b1 preliminary) speaking part 3 - Free download as Word Doc (. FIRST STEPS TO PRACTISE PET SPEAKING PART 3 - INDIVIDUAL TASK . [2] A communication activity where candidates work together to make a decision based on pictures provided This document provides examples of potential topics and prompts that could be used for Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. 1 PAPER 3 SPEAKING TEST 1 about 10 minutes PART 1 Good morning/afternoon/evening. This document provides guidance and sample language for Parts 3 and 4 of the PET Speaking exam, where students describe a photo and then discuss free time activities. The document discusses various potential gift options for an unspecified person, including going somewhere, choosing something, and items that may or may not be useful depending on circumstances like the weather or whether the person has a driver's license. A family with two teenage children is planning a holiday and they want to do some activities together as a group. I'm going to describe a situation to you. Obviously it is important to practise all of the parts, but PET Speaking Part 3 and Part 4 are always on the same topic, so it is a good idea to practise them together. for 2 minutes. In PET Speaking part 3, candidates have 1 minute to describe an everyday photo in detail, including who and what is in the photo, where and when the scene takes place, and why. Give reasons (related to the picture) for your ideas 5. pdf) or view presentation slides online. (students' own answers) 3. The document provides language to describe pictures including general descriptions of what can be seen, descriptions of people, giving opinions, and comparing elements. Jun 25, 2024 · 4. which coun tries. . You’ll answer questions about your name, where you come from, what you do, and more. In the PET speaking exam there are 4 parts. look at the prompts and discuss the names of the activities. The document provides information about Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam: - Part 1 lasts 2-3 minutes and involves basic questions about the examinee's life to break the ice, such as their name, where they live, studies and hobbies - Examinees should aim to provide more than just one-word answers PET Speaking Part 3 - Free download as Word Doc (. Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. look at the pictures of the two places below. Now that you know that there are four parts to the Speaking exam in PET it is time to look at them one by one. Exercise 3 sorts language for agreeing Preliminary (PET) Speaking Parts 3 & 4 . speaking part 3. Candidates should be encouraged to talk about the setting, people, activities and feelings. I'm going to continue today with part four of the Cambridge PET speaking. Candidate A, here is your photograph. Other contents: PET Speaking Part 1 - Free download as Word Doc (. It outlines the structure and content of the exam, which consists of 3 parts: [1] Personal questions about familiar topics where the candidate talks about themselves, family, work/studies, hobbies and future plans. We’ve got a selection for you to download or display below, but if you are looking for more pictures to describe, remember to find something with enough content for the full minute. Start with a general idea of the subject of the picture before going into details 4. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. 1. Here's a sample picture description for anyone preparing for the PET Speaking Test. PART 3: PHOTOGRAPHS (2-3 minutes). pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Here are some sample PET Speaking Part 3 tasks for you ppl. The document provides guidance on comparing photographs by highlighting the difference between describing a single photo versus comparing multiple photos. The different parts of the Speaking paper. All are available to download at the end of the post. The goal would be for test takers to discuss the options and come to Speaking Part 1 PET - Free download as PDF File (. ) Back-up prompts PET Speaking Part 3 Pictures Revised - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Students will predict possible exam prompts, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different activities, and practice agreeing/disagreeing using appropriate language. The document provides instructions for a PET speaking test with 4 parts. Time: 45-55 minutes. Discussion – The examiner asks the candidates to discuss different questions which are linked to the topic in Part 3. l q )u ù exchange the exam tasks with another group. The lesson provides useful language to help candidates score higher by Nov 9, 2024 · Until 2020 this was Part 2. Strategy for PET part 3 speaking. Cùng Tienganhvstep tìm hiểu chi tiết về nội dung bài thi, tips làm bài hiệu quả và một số đề bài cũng như câu trả lời mẫu để ôn luyện thật tốt cho phần thi này nhé! Help for part four of the PET speaking exam. Exercise Number: PET257 Jul 10, 2019 · Veamos ahora cómo afrontar la parte 3 del Speaking del PET. 2) You need to mention what the image shows, but it is much more important to talk about the effect of the image, by using phrases like I THINK. They then consider the merits of a sample performance before doing their task again, trying to improve their own performance. Part 1. Ejemplo de Speaking B1 Preliminary (PET): Part 3. doc 3 PART 3 : DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate) In PART 3 you have to: Talk about a colour photo. Examinees should aim to provide more than one or two word answers. En esta sección vamos a ver cómo son las instrucciones del nuevo Speaking Part 3 del B1 Preliminary y un ejemplo de conversación entre dos candidatos. In part three of the B1 preliminary speaking test you talk to your partner, not to the examiner. TALK ABOUT PLACES This document contains exercises from a Cambridge English exam preparation book for level B1 speaking. Oct 5, 2020 · This document provides sample questions for the three parts of the PET Speaking exam. Ask and answer questions about your family, studies, home town, free time, job. PET Speaking_ PART 3 - Free download as PDF File (. It includes examples of tasks students may encounter during the speaking exam. Examinees should aim to provide more than one-word answers using both present and past tenses. This part takes 2-3 minutes and has two phases. They require test takers to talk together about potential choices like places to visit on a school trip, gifts for a classmate who is moving away, important items for a friend spending time Pet Speaking Part 3 Describing a Photo - Free download as PDF File (. The questions are meant to elicit basic biographical The document provides guidance for candidates taking a PET speaking exam. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. Aug 9, 2021 · The beginning of a speaking exam can be a nerve-racking experience. The examiner gives you some pictures to help you. Speaking part 3 Pet worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. PET Speaking Part 3 is a collaborative task where you discuss options with your partner. It offers tips on describing what can be seen in the photo, actions, colors, and feelings. The photographs are linked thematically to establish a common starting point for part 4. Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. Lesson focus: This class focuses on. These questions are always based on the same topic as in the previous stage. speaking, part 3:collaborative task (3 minutes) collaborative task: discuss a visual, expressing and justifying opinions, evaluating and speculating, in order to work towards a negotiated decision. The document provides guidance on describing pictures for the PET speaking exam. Enhance your B1 Preliminary (PET) exam preparation with our comprehensive speaking practice. Part 2 involves a 2-3 minute discussion with a partner about Photographs for sample Part 3 tasks (plus the same photos on OHT if possible) Instructions for sample Part 3 Aims: to introduce Part 3 to analyse the task, think of suitable language for it and practice the task Procedure 1. The examiner will want to know how well you can give your ideas and opinions and make suggestions and respond to suggestions made by your partner. In Part 3, The examiner gives you a colour photograph and you have to talk about it. Introduce Part 3 of the Speaking test by eliciting any information that your students already know. What many students don't realise is that part four is a continuation of part three and that it is another collaborative task. PET Cambridge PET 3 Visual Materials for the Speaking Test - Free download as PDF File (. CANDIDATES SPEAK IN TURNS. Here are some activities to help him relax. txt) or read online for free. Part 3 Interlocutor Candidates approx. PET Speaking Part 3 - Useful Language - Free download as PDF File (. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Master speaking questions and topics to excel in your B1 speaking test. For example, if you discussed different travel options in Part 3, the discussion in Part Apr 9, 2022 · Exam PracticeDuration: 2-3 minutesIn Part 3, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about It for two or three minutes. One of the examiners acts as an Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) Preliminary English Test (PET). Phần này đánh giá khả năng nói và giao tiếp của thí sinh trong các tình huống khác nhau. Jun 26, 2024 · Phần thi PET Speaking Part 3 yêu cầu 2 thí sinh làm việc cùng nhau để thảo luận về một tình huống được đưa ra. 3 minutes Preparing for the Speaking Test Introduction In the PET Speaking Test, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. The ‘online options’ column gives teachers ideas about how the stages could be adapted for teaching online. b y j o a n n a e s l l q )u ø. Hand out the sample Part 3 and explain that in Part 2 students had to describe something they own which is very important to them. He wants to find an activity to help him relax. Cambridge B1 On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. Help for part four of the PET speaking exam. PAPER 1 (1 hour and 30 minutes) Reading There are 35 questions in five Parts. B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 3 Description . ten thi ngs you wo uld take on a trip to each May 3, 2023 · Speaking part 3 Pet 7090871 worksheets by Diana Abuín Caamaño . (Ask Candidate A to look at photo *B on page * of the Student’s Book. exercise 1. Sample discussion topics and useful language are provided to help students interact naturally in Part 4. • In this picture I can see • This is a picture of …. pptx), PDF File (. PET speaking Part 3 practice Game Code: 260670 English 11 Public Talk about something together for about 2-3 minutes. speaking part 4. Some further time is given for candidates to look at/read materials but the structure of the test is the same as in the standard test. It contains four complete tests based on recent PET papers. The tasks involve discussing different options presented in pictures and deciding on the best option. The first test involves choosing activities for a family holiday. to make to most out of! The document provides sample questions for the speaking portion of the PET (Preliminary English Test) exam. In Speaking Part 3, students listen to a short imaginary scenario and look at a few options that PET - SPEAKING PART 3. It lasts two to three minutes. 3) A good way to organise your answer is to imagine four paragraphs. Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1, in front of the candidate. in Part 3. The second involves choosing a gift for a classmate moving somewhere hot. This lesson plan has been created to help students prepare for B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 3. paper 5. Exercise 1 has students brainstorm activities for a class trip and write them around a picture. PET for Schools Speaking Part 3 - Free download as PDF File (. On this page, you will find eight example speaking tests to help you prepare students for the speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. Đề thi Speaking PET B1 Cambridge. Jan 18, 2022 · Cambridge PET – Reading Part 1; Cambridge PET – Writing Part 1; Cambridge PET – Speaking Part 1; This class consists of the lesson plan and the speaking part 3 worksheet (with answers!). They introduce themselves and the Speaking Test 1 (School visit to a capital city) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Part 3 Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. procedure - the examiner gives you a page with a number of pictures on it and asks you two questions -to deal with the first question, you have to discuss each other of the pictures Samples Of Picture Description Fashion (B1) These pictures are related to fashion and clothes. pdf) or read online for free. I’m going to describe a situation to you. Sample questions include name, residence, studies, and free time activities. look at the prompts in exercise 4 again and write an exam task. Part 1 consists of 10 questions that candidates will have about 1 minute each to answer, covering topics like their name, where they live, what they study or do for a living, subjects they liked/disliked in school, their family, and hobbies. Briefly ask students what happens in Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test and elicit (if they have done PET Speaking Part 3 – teacher’s notes Description Students use some sample materials to think about the content and language required in the part, before performing a practise task. SOME USEFUL LANGUAGE HOW TO: GIVE A GENERAL INTRODUCTION • This picture shows …. There is no Part 2 in B1 Preliminary for schools Speaking Special Arrangements papers. PET SPEAKING PART 3. It provides context and potential discussion prompts for Parts 3 and 4 of the test, where candidates will discuss topics together for 2-3 minutes. Talk about the situation as well as the physical things you can see in the picture 6. Candidate A describes photo 4B and Candidate B later describes photo 4C. Use candidates’ names throughout. Cấu trúc bài thi: Phần thi Speaking PET kéo dài khoảng 12-17 phút, bao gồm 4 phần thi với các hoạt động giao tiếp khác nhau. Sample PET Speaking Part 3 Tasks - Free download as PDF File (. doc), PDF File (. Sample interview: choosing a presentYou are going to hear Lucia and Antonio doing Part 3 of the testhere is a picture of a B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam: Part Three. getting s tudents used to the stru cture and language needed to complete Speaking Part 3 - a pair discussion. The test lasts approximately 10–12 minutes and consists of 4 parts: Part 1 A general conversation between the examiner and each of the candidates (personal information, how to spell the candidates’ names, a description of a typical day, candidates’ interests in Part 3. The examiner will ask easy questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, their studies, or hobbies. The topics involve making decisions as a group about gifts, school trips, and items to bring to England. 2—3 minutes Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you're going to talk about something together for about two minutes. Instrucciones del interlocutor para ambos candidatos: Now, let’s understand each part: PET Speaking: Part 1. To begin with, the photo on the left shows a group of young people wearing eccentric clothes, with a very particular style: Citation preview. (Right click on the pictures and choose "open Here, you have a full Speaking test. This lesson focuses on preparing students for Speaking Part 3 of the PET exam through various activities. Mar 5, 2012 · The document outlines the structure and sample questions for Part 1 of the PET and FCE Speaking exams. If you have been following me for some time, then you know I have a series on PET Cambridge exam preparation. fce. doc 1 PET SPEAKING EXAM PART 1 : PERSONAL INFORMATION (2-3 minutes) In PART 1 you have to: Give personal information. Nov 9, 2024 · In general, we can break up the Speaking exam in three groups when it comes to useful language: Part 1, Part 2, Parts 3+4. docx), PDF File (. Cambridge PET 3 Visual Materials for the Speaking Test This PET Speaking Part 3 (collaborative task) - Useful Language PDF includes:an overview of the taskthings to consideruseful languageThis resource was created with ESL students and teachers in mind and is ideal for use in the classroom or for self-study. visibility Aug 5, 2020 · Collaborative task PET 318451 worksheets by Silvina Speaking (1060779 (1134665) From worksheet author: speaking part 3 PET. In Phase 1: The Interlocutor says hello and asks for the mark sheets. doc / . are they? write . Part 1 is the warm-up to your examination so it is important that you get accustomed to saying full sentences and to linking your ideas with reasons, examples, results and contrasts. Check out my previous lesson plans on Writing Part… Continue reading Cambridge PET – Speaking Part 1 Speaking Test 1 (Work and Relaxation) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Part 3 Interlocutor Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. Để tối ưu điểm số trong phần thi PET Speaking Part 4, bạn cần lưu ý một số điều sau: Không trả lời quá ngắn: Mỗi câu trả lời nên dài ít nhất 2-3 câu và có sự phát triển ý tưởng. This document provides useful language for describing a photo in 3 sentences or less during a PET speaking exam. Pet Speaking Part 3 Describing a Photo Feb 3, 2022 · Pet speaking test - Download as a PDF or view online for free. My name is Feb 2, 2015 · 1. It suggests introducing the photo by describing what it shows or what can be seen. ppt), PDF File (. Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1, in front of the candidates. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. This lesson plan can be delivered face to face or online. Jan 29, 2020 · Example of Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 3 Part 4 – Discussion. At the beginning, the examiner will say: “Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. For a video tutorial, visit my YouTube channel The document provides examples of tasks that could be used in Part 2 of the Cambridge Pet Speaking Test. Download Free DOCX. 1 PET Practice Test Speaking PET Teacher’s notes In the PET speaking paper, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. Speaking Test 1 (Work and Relaxation) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Interlocutor I’m going to describe a situation to you. Phase 2 Examiner (Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. In the first part, you talk about yourself. Elicit a few ideas from the class of what you could talk about in Part 3 to answer these questions. ppt / . Cheers, Alex Aims: to introduce and practise Part 3 of the Speaking test to consider what makes a good performance in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 3 to identify and practise some useful language for B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 3 Procedure 1. Last Wednesday I talked about part three of the Cambridge Preliminary or PET exam speaking test. PET SPEAKING PART 3: DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate) In PART 3 you have to: Talk about a colour photo that the Examiner will provide . Examiners assess candidates on their use of vocabulary related to people, places, activities, objects, colors, atmosphere, time of day, and weather. l q )u ÷. Speaking Part 1 is designed to break the ice and get to know the candidates. E:PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials. Nov 26, 2024 · PET Speaking Part 1 questions; PET Speaking Part 2 questions; IV. It includes questions about personal information, school, hobbies, daily life, friends, and many other topics to help students practice their speaking skills for the exam. The candidates talk together about their opinions, likes/dislikes, preferences, experiences, habits etc. Remind students that Part 3 follows on from Part 2. Here, you have a full Speaking test. The examiner will ask simple questions to learn about the examinee, such as where they live, study, and hobbies. Each example includes a prompt describing a scenario and visual aids to help generate ideas. Belén Hernández Pérez. Trong Part 1, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu trả lời các câu hỏi, đưa ra các thông tin cá nhân về thói quen hàng ngày, sở thích… có thể dùng thì hiện tại, quá khứ hoặc tương lai. A young man works very hard, and has only one free day a week. Now, let’s understand each part: PET Speaking: Part 1. Microsoft PowerPoint - SPEAKING PET 2020. You have to read notices, short texts and longer factual Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts 2-3 minutes. Download Free PDF. A young man works very hard and has only one free day a week. pdf), Text File (. It involves a 3 minute conversation with the examiner about personal topics like home, family, work/study, leisure activities, and future plans. Lưu ý khi làm PET Speaking Part 4. He wants Pet Speaking Part 3 Describing a Photo - Free download as Word Doc (. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. pptx Author: TAC Created Date: 6/10/2021 12:09:53 PM PET Speaking Part3 - Free download as Word Doc (. At the end of part 3, it is a good idea to come to an agreement - so the language of agreeing and disagreeing is essential. In part 3, each candidate is given a photo of students relaxing and asked to describe what they see. What the examiner says is shown in italics. 254567468 Cambridge PET Speaking Part 3 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. They introduce themselves and the Sep 7, 2023 · Tips đạt điểm tối đa Speaking PET Cambridge 2. In the discussion stage of Preliminary (PET) Speaking, you will be asked a series of questions by the examiner. Try to find PET Speaking Part 2 pictures on a variety of these topics so that your students are fully prepared for whatever they might get in their exam. As far as possible, the paired format for the Speaking Test procedure will be similar to that of the standard Speaking Test. The document discusses describing scenes using spatial terms like foreground, background, left, right, top, and bottom. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of people doing things at home. Can I have your mark sheets, please? PET Speaking Part 3 - Sample Pictures for Practice (EDITADO) - Free download as PDF File (. 1) In part 3 of the PET speaking exam you and your partner will be required to speak individually about an image. or IT SEEMS LIKE. txt) or view presentation slides online. They will then write sample exam tasks matching the prompts before doing an actual practice task as a pair. The document describes two mock speaking tests for the Preliminary English Test (PET) exam. The interlocutor sets up the activity using a standardised rubric. Part 1 contains introductory questions about the test taker such as their name, where they live, their school and free time activities. Oct 27, 2014 · 2. Pet April2012 - Free download as PDF File (. PET has three examination papers which test Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. in pairs, discuss it. Hope you can really make the most out of it, you people. One of the examiners acts as an b1 cambridge. ltwn blsg rzx qvjgfur wemzqk ktdvt ylldic qcagr ngrzw atn idpsfrw upyue rsc bfndo veys