Broward case search View the first 200 results or filter by adding more criteria. Case Numbers are up to 12 characters long without spaces, dashes or any other characters. Case Search - Public; eFILING; Overview; Broward County; Broward County Bar Association; Broward Bar Lawyer Referral Service; 17th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT; Judicial Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. 50: Exemplified Certificates, sign, and seal $7. Jun 30, 2023 · Courts Newsletter. Using e CaseView, you may search civil, criminal, and traffic cases as well as view and print case documents. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. Search. Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County The Broward County Family Court, a division of the circuit court, handles these cases. We provide information about local vendors, Judges, public databases, and legal topics ranging from real estate, personal injury, car accidents, probate, to slip and falls, and other common legal issues faced by Broward County residents and non-residents. Below are the 2021 probate administrations filed with the clerk of court in the Broward County, Florida probate office through November 12, 2021. 201 SE 6th Street Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. To order certified documents or to obtain regular copies of documents prior to 1978 that are not available online, visit Search and Copy Services. Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. . browardclerk. Trellis. Subscribe Now Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. County Court handles civil cases under $15,000, traffic cases and misdemeanors. Welcome to the Broward County Clerk of Courts “Advanced Search” Service! This is the place if you are looking to get access to more case search options. Learn about remote court hearings, events, news, and the clerk's message. Find information and services related to Broward County courts, such as case search, passports, records, fines, foreclosures, and more. Electronic certified copies of documents viewable in e CaseView may be purchased online. Learn how to enter case numbers in the correct format and access electronic court documents online. Law is a comprehensive database of public court records for Broward County, Florida. E. Broward Sheriff's Office 2601 West Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. * Please remember, information provided through this site does not constitute the official court records of the Clerk. It provides easy access to case summaries and court cases with a Smart Search feature that allows users to look up cases using various variables such as case number, name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, case type, party type, and party representation, among others. FAQs about CET; FAQs about CET Tracking; Tips for Searching Tracking Log; Instructions for Using OnCore Web Search; Instructions for Paying Doc Stamps; Remittance Form; About Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. For Civil, Family and Probate cases, start with the proper 3 or 4 case style prefix, the 2 digit year and the 6 or 7 digit sequence number. 201 SE 6th Street Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 Broward County Clerk of Circuit Court. Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Search by Sale Date; Search by Case Number; Search by Parcel ID; Help. In addition, not all court progress dockets will have electronic case records available for viewing online. The Broward County Clerk of Courts website is the main platform for requesting court case records, which can be retrieved by case number, party name, or citation number. eTrack allows you to track and receive notifications for civil, family, probate, felony, traffic and misdemeanor cases in Broward County, Florida. 201 SE 6th Street. The Clerk administers jury services and audits the records of guardians. Civil Search Broward County Clerk of Circuit Court. Follow this link to skip to the main content. 6th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301: Cost: FREE – CLE Credits (pending) Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. 00: Attorney appearing Pro Hac Vice $100. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County. Use our online records search to view a comprehensive listing of documents recorded into the Official Records of Broward County, Florida between January 1, 1978 and the present. We value your feedback as a customer. The Clerk’s duties are to maintain court records, attend trials and hearings as required, provide intake services for domestic violence cases and collect revenue for the Court system, including fines. Mail a written request and provide the decedent's full name and date of death, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and include a $2. Perform a Case Search at www. 00 search fee for each decedent's name. Courtesy photo The case, assigned Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON OUR ELECTRONIC RECORDING VENDORS or for more information, call 954-831-4000. Florida Courts E-Filing Portal | File Court Documents Online Search of Records Fee, per year $2. Jan 1, 2020 · Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. BSO Facebook; BSO Twitter; SEARCH; Civil Search Home. You can comment on the quality of service that you received from Broward County’s Records, Taxes, and Treasury Division by completing our brief ONLINE SURVEY. 6th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301: Cost: FREE – CLE Credits (pending) 201 SE 6th Street Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 201 SE 6th Street Fort Lauderdale Florida, US 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 The Broward County Family Court, a division of the circuit court, handles these cases. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County Search by Case Number Uniform Case Number Search by Citation Number Search by Party or Business Name Search by a date range / court type / case type Court Hearing Lookup. Search public court records from Broward County Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in Florida online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Broward County’s 17th Judicial Circuit is one of 20 judicial circuits in Florida. How to Run a Court Case Search in Broward County. Feb 27, 2023 · Search online Property court records for free in Broward County - Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Below are the effective dates eFiling was mandated for the following court records: Effective 04/01/2013, efiling was mandated for new and existing cases in Circuit Civil, County Civil, Family, Domestic Violence, Probate, Guardianship and certain Mental Health cases. Search for public records of civil, criminal, family, probate, traffic and other cases by party name, business name, case number or citation number. 6th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301: Cost: FREE – CLE Credits (pending). 00: Bond Approval Fee $8. SEARCH; Arrest Search Broward Sheriff's Office: Detention. Messages Case Search Case Search Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Search, File Cases, Passports, Divorce, Injunction, Domestic Violence, Broward County Also learn about Broward County criminal court records, Broward County civil court records, the information that a Broward County court case search provides, how to get Broward County court records online for free and Broward County court locations as well as the contact information of Broward County clerks. Learn more about electronic certified copies Feb 21, 2020 · The Brevard Electronic Court Application (BECA) offers online access to court records pursuant to Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order 2014-19 and as amended thereafter. org. Advanced Search; Registered User Access; Attorney of Record Access; Case Search - Public Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. To search, enter a value for at least one of the following. Search online Family court records for free in Broward County - Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Search for case records by case number, style, type, filing date, status or access level. Like probate records, the Broward County Clerk of the Courts maintains family case files and data. 1 day ago · Search Public Notices Chief Judge Jack Tuter, right, swearing in new Magistrate Judge Hillary Creary, left, in Broward Circuit Court in Fort Lauderdale. Once you are listed in the Attorney section, you should have access to most case records. Nov 12, 2021 · Broward Legal Directory is a free resource for anyone wanting information about legal issues in Broward County, Florida. 00: Circuit Civil Photocopying Fees: Photocopies of public records, per page $1. All court records filed since this date are available in electronic format. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON OUR ELECTRONIC RECORDING VENDORS or for more information, call 954-831-4000. Compliance/Enforcement Case Number: Example: 01-0123: Street Address: Example: 123 Main St Below are the effective dates eFiling was mandated for the following court records: Effective 04/01/2013, efiling was mandated for new and existing cases in Circuit Civil, County Civil, Family, Domestic Violence, Probate, Guardianship and certain Mental Health cases. Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. Go to any Broward County Courthouse Location to perform a name search on a Public Access Terminal. Navigate Detention. 00: Subpoena Fee (Sign and seal) $2. Broward County Probate Case Records - 2021. Teaching Broward's Future Leaders About Law and Order Media Relations, Press Releases & Public Records Requests: Courthouse Visits and Tours: If you are not listed and have previously filed a Notice of Appearance, contact the Clerk department the case is filed in at (904) 255-2000 so that a deputy clerk can update the case. 00: Foreclosure Sale Fee $70. Circuit Court handles felonies, family matters, juvenile cases, probate and mental health and all civil cases over $15,000, or not under the jurisdiction of the County Court. If you are unable to locate or view copies of court documents online, refer to the Records Request page. 4 days ago · The AOC employs non-judicial staff members who provide myriad support services to assist the judiciary in the daily operations of the court such as assuring that space is available and ready, providing case management, mediation services, court reporting, technology, video operations, interpreting and legal research. Individuals can access the office's Public Case Search portal and select "Family" under Court Type to look up family case records online. Broward County court records are open to the public, where anyone can perform searches online or in-person. Learn how to subscribe, manage and use eTrack features and FAQs. Mar 6, 2025 · Search online Probate court records for free in Broward County - Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Sponsored By: Broward County Bar Association and Brenda D Forman, Broward County Clerk of the Courts; When: Friday, April 4, 2025, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm: Where: Broward County Judicial Complex – East Building – 3rd Floor, Jury Room #03320 Address: 201 S. 00 Case numbers must be entered in a specific format. This service is for bulk data customers who want to have more search criteria options for access to court records filed in the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida. scqlpu iwtu vpdl txf dpqs gmlc bqfutj dwxvltz phqizri hbcxx vkuz ehciu uacym pesinr ystsoo