Duplin county gis. Pay County Taxes On-Line .
Duplin county gis Duplin County GIS March 1, 2019 0 0. PO Box 738, Lincolnton, NC 28093-0738 Faison is located in the northwest corner of Duplin County at the intersection of highways NC 117 and 403. It is the county seat of Duplin County. NETROnline's Mapping & GIS Application is a comprehensive and user friendly resource that presents modern and historical property records in a geographic mapping interface. This layer is editable and shared If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. Follow Us: If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us Duplin County Property Records (North Carolina) Public Records for Duplin County, North Carolina include 14,565 properties with a median sale price of $155,000, the average home typically offers 3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. Overview Data Image Management Visualization Preview Preview Tasks Snapshots Layers Usage Settings. Geospatial data about Duplin County, North Carolina Parcels. Users can view ownership, values, and revaluation information, but should verify boundary lines and parcel locations with a professional land surveyor. Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Duplin County Parcel Data North Carolina. Click here for more information. 19865 35. Physical Address: 118 Duplin Street Kenansville, NC 28349. If you can't find the local GIS data you are looking for by county, try searching the NC City GIS Data page. Ordinances Town of Warsaw Zoning Ordinance General Town Code of Ordinances Maps Warsaw Zoning Map NC Floodplains Map Duplin County GIS Warsaw NC 2017 City Map Warsaw NC 2017 County Map Plans Town of Warsaw Comprehensive Transportation Plan Land Use Plan Hazard Mitig Your browser is currently not supported. Get Data Explore the ArcGIS Web Application for interactive mapping and analysis of GIS data. Whether you are looking for a traditional printed county plat book, historical plat maps or highly attributed GIS parcel data map with boundaries and ID Number, we have the most up-to-date parcel information available. Duplin county has extended the listing period for personal property to February 14, 2025. Feb 21, 2024 路 North Carolina County GIS Data For your convenience, below are links to GIS resources for North Carolina counties and municipalities. 馃彙馃摐 AcreValue provides reports on the value of agricultural land in Duplin County, NC. , including wetlands, and to make a jurisdictional determination (JD) on those areas subject to Corps permitting authority. GIS Website - Go here for questions about Duplin County GIS; Online Mapping - Generate custom maps, owner and address search, more Duplin County Tax Office 118 Duplin Street Duplin County Court House Annex Kenansville, North Carolina 28349 . GIS Technician II: Carol Jackson. Public GIS and Mapping in Duplin County,North Carolina. Historic Kenansville is home to The Cowan Museum in the Kelly-Farrior House, Liberty Hall, Murry House Country Inn, Grove Presbyterian Church, and more. As of January 2024, there were 40,439 nonexempt parcels in Duplin County. Holiday Calendar Employees Intranet. Duplin County digital cadastral data are a representation of recorded plats and surveys for use within the Geographic Information System for purposes of data access and analysis. Access Dauphin County's GIS portal for mapping and land-based analysis. Mailing Address: Title: Untitled. Located in the Duplin County Courthouse. 71021 -78. Sampson County GIS is responsible for the creation, accuracy and maintenance of property, addressing and hundreds of other location-based data sets. See listing below for County currently owned property for sale. Your browser is currently not supported. savage@duplincountync. Some of the key features include: Property mapping: The GIS system provides detailed maps of properties, including parcel boundaries, ownership information, and zoning designations. austintexas. Magnolia has two entrances from I-40, one three miles north on US Hwy 117 and the other two miles east on NC Hwy 11/NC Hwy 903/NC Hwy 24. Powered by The information contained in these maps is a representation of the legal information contained in the property deed and/or survey. Yearly Tax Rates. Mar 27, 2015 路 Duplin County Parcels. GIS staff provides data, maps, research, analysis, application development and support services to county departments, residents, businesses and the general public. duplin county tax | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Duplin County's GIS Links. Explore all GIS and Mapping in Duplin County, North Carolina. Follow Us: The town of Magnolia is situated in Duplin County at the intersections of US Hwy 117 and NC Hwy 903 with other smaller roads leading into the town. Visit Duplin County GIS (https://gis. Lincolnton, NC 28092. 19416 -77. The main function of GIS is to provide a visual representation of data as it relates to county tax information and to assist in making planning decisions. aprx Author: Comments: Main Map service for the Public Access Site Subject: Main Map service for the Public Access Site Category: Keywords: Duplin County AntialiasingMode: None TextAntialiasingMode: Force Union County developed a master plan to have an enterprise system where all county departments can access to GIS software and data. gis deadline | Duplin County NC search Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Duplin County : Soil Survey 1905: Download Map: View Metadata: Town of Duplin County is co-sponsoring a shred-a-thon event on Monday, April 28, 2025 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Pay County Taxes On-Line . No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the positional or thematic accuracy of the data herein, its use, or its interpretation. the Duplin County, North Carolina township name appears near the top of the map and the blue dot shows the location of the address on the map. S. 04 km 1:837 DISCLAIMER: The information gathered from this site is for informational purposes only and the map(s) printed from this site should NOT be used as or in place of an actual survey. You may also scroll down and select just the category you are looking for (fire departments, solid waste sites, etc. Tax Foreclosure Sale/Surplus Property Sale. Duplin County GIS provides online access to real property assessment and mapping data for the county. 000-002 john smith holiday lake kellerville rd mcdonalds Click the button to recall previous search results If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. 02 mi 0 0. Continue to Duplin County GIS Site North Carolina - Duplin maps are available in a variety of printed and digital formats to suit your needs. The map(s) should NOT be used in sales or conveyances. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us local GIS system | Duplin County NC search Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Export to CAD, GIS, PDF, CSV and access via API. Explore Duplin County, NC land records including property boundaries, land deeds, real estate records, and more. Kenansville, NC 28349 Gary Rose, Duplin County Tax Administrator - (910) 296-2112 340416842962 TOWNS LAND_USE_DESC pssh NOTES: # l e c r Pa: # t n u o c c A grade % prim_con fixt beds rms prmtr roof_type pcode puv_value Depr_cnd noa acnst asht c2 c3 loc_per fun_per r e n w O - - 7 1 5 - 3 1 4 3 9 0 6 1 Examples: 123 N Main St 850 main st, ferdinand Walnut St/3rd St 19-06-35-102-218. Access the GIS site website to view and analyze county tax information and planning data. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us duplin gis | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Duplin County GIS Tax Administration. Follow Us: Duplin County's GIS Links. Name: Duplin County topographic map, elevation, terrain. An onsite inspection is generally needed to identify Waters of U. ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, USGS Topographic Maps, US Census Bureau Data, Natural Earth Data, NOAA Nautical Charts, and Mapbox can be accessed publicly. GoMAPS is our online interactive mapping tool. Feb 7, 2025 路 A computing lab with specialized software for GIS and data visualization & analysis. : address, owner name, parcel number, account number, etc. gov/GIS/PropertyProfile | Duplin County NC search Jan 17, 2025 路 GIS site updates 1/17/2025 – Retired Parcels and Parcel Lineage added to the Map Layers and Search criteria to help locate parcel numbers after retirement. 353 N. GIS Technician: Kaytlin Burgess. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us. 3 miles. The last revaluation was effective January 1, 2017 and the next revaluation is scheduled to be effective January 1, 2025. burgess@duplincountync. Follow Us: North Carolina County Tax Assessor websites Counties beginning with D: Dare Dare County Tax Assessor Greta Skeen Post Office Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Phone: (252) 475-5940 Fax: (252) 475-1699 Davidson Davidson County Tax Assessor Joe Silver Post Office Box 1617 Lexington, NC 27293-1617 Phone: (336)242-2160 Fax: (336)243-2894 Davie Davie County If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Lenoir County Tax Department North Queen Street, Kinston, NC - 30. Wallace is Duplin County's largest population and retail trade center serving over 50,000 people in a surrounding three county area. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us ArcGIS Loading… duplin county gis | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Below is a map of our county facilities by category. 910-296-2331 (Fax) Parcel Search & GIS Map ; Cumberland County Government Judge E. We recommend upgrading to the duplin county gis | Duplin County NC : Duplin County NC search Moreover, county residents also enjoy a lower cost of living compared to the national average, with inexpensive housing accounting for much of this difference. , Kenansville, NC 28349 Phone (910)296-2110 Fax (910)296-2331 Free Search Jail and Inmate Records NETR Online • Duplin • Duplin Public Records, Search Duplin Records, Duplin Property Tax, North Carolina Property Search, North Carolina Assessor Duplin County Tax Office - 117 Beasley St. com (910) 372-9316. We recommend upgrading to the View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online Map Viewer ArcGIS Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Pro View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Service Description: Basemap for Public Access Viewer Map Name: RoadsMap Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: The Geographic Information System (GIS) staff maintains the Duplin County tax map system, county property description record files and parcel numbering schema. The system is designed to help users search for properties, view maps, and access various data layers, such as zoning, land use, and aerial photography. If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. Contact the Duplin County Planning Department for more information. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us Kenansville has a population of 855 based on 2010 census. Select the blue “Layers” tab at the top left. 02 0. Interactive web application for viewing and analyzing geospatial data using ArcGIS technology. Duplin County FIPS Code: 37061. GIS Technician II: Kaytlin Burgess. Access tax history, assessments, payments, exemptions, and more through official resources. Map To Location. Lincoln County Government. Wayne County Tax Listing East Walnut Street, Goldsboro, NC - 29. Pender County Assessor's Office East Fremont Street, Burgaw, NC - 28. GIS Website - Go here for questions about Duplin County GIS; Online Mapping - Generate custom maps, owner and address search, more If the property is within a one-mile radius of Duplin County Airport (260 Airport Rd, Kenansville) or Henderson Field Airport (250 Skydive Ln, Wallace), there may be zoning on the site that is not shown on GIS as part of the Duplin County Land Use and Height Restriction Ordinance. anita. duplincountync. to 5:00 p. . These and other digital data do not replace or modify land surveys, deeds, and/or other legal instruments defining land ownership or use. ). DUPLIN COUNTY GIS D ISCLA MER: The information gathered from this site is for informational purposes only and the map(s) printed from this site should NOT be Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. Highway NC 50 intersects NC 403 near Faison. Low tax rates are an incentive to industry and business considering the Wallace area. Duplin County GIS Tax Administration. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. The violent crime rate in Duplin County, though, is nearly twice the national average. Interstate 40, exit 355 and future I-795 is just 3 miles west of Faison. Faison contracts with the Duplin County Sheriff’s Department which offers 24-hour protection. Last Updated: 2024-Q3 Total Population: 57,627. com. Maurice Braswell Courthouse 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Select Version. m. Users can also add a layer with the “+Add” button located on the table of contents and reorganize layers within the table of contents. Generals Blvd. Full Address: Mr. Feb 1, 2025 路 duplin gis | Duplin County NC search The County’s GIS data layers are tools to highlight only the potential presence of regulated areas located on a property. Jan 13, 2025 路 The Duplin County GIS offers a range of features that cater to the needs of various stakeholders, including county officials, residents, and businesses. ) to locate the property. Onslow County Assessor's Office Tallman Street, Jacksonville, NC - 33. The population of Wallace in 2010 was 3,880 people. Jones County Assessor's Office Duplin County Courthouse Annex, Room #106 Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8:00 a. To view data or to create maps and reports within Union County, you can access GoMAPS by clicking the map below. The Geographic Information System (GIS) staff maintains the Duplin County tax map system, county property description record files and parcel numbering schema. 2 miles. com/) Enter search criteria in the search box (ex. Mapping & GIS Disclaimer. Users can search by parcel, address, owner, pin, account number, and other criteria, and view buffer, legend, and disclaimer information. maps. Duplin County GIS provides online mapping and data access for real property assessment and analysis. Location: 224 Seminary Street Kenansville NC Purpose: To discuss a map of division and cancel the January 14, 2025 meeting. Learn how the GIS staff maintains the Duplin County tax map system, property description records and parcel numbering schema. Location : Duplin County, North Carolina, United States ( 34. Overview. Most states and counties provide free online GIS maps, via which people could search for a variety of data about the selected area. The GIS map provides parcel boundaries, acreage, and ownership information sourced from the Duplin County, NC assessor. ArcGIS Web Application Discover Duplin County, NC tax records 馃彙馃搫. GIS, short for Geographic Information Systems, provides geographic information based on maps or databases. SouthPark, an industrial park, is open near I-40 in Wallace. Looking for public records in Duplin County, NC? Quickly search government records from 78 official databases. List of County Owned Foreclosed Property; Offer to Purchase County Owned Property County Water Lines (22) Electric Service Provider (23) Geodetic Control Monuments (24) Cemeteries (25) Duplin County Opportunity Zone (Outline) (55) Acres GIS offers plat maps and land values for Duplin County, North Carolina. 5 miles. Ike Canady GIS Administrator PO Box 970 Feb 2, 2025 路 To find the Duplin County, North Carolina township for an address, type the address in the Search places box above this Duplin County, North Carolina civil townships Finder map tool. kaytlin. Nov 11, 2024 路 Duplin County GIS (Geographic Information System) is a powerful tool that provides access to a wide range of geographic data and mapping information for the county. Total Parcels: 43,294 parcels. Follow Us: Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. parcel and GIS maps, assessments, map | Duplin County NC search As of January 2024, there were 40,439 nonexempt parcels in Duplin County. 01 0. You may click on each icon to get more information about each. Contact Information for Duplin County GIS. Would you like to download Duplin County gis parcel maps? Request a quote Order Now! Duplin County Tax Office Duplin County Court House Annex, First Floor 118 Duplin St. Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 296-2104 Contact Us As of January 2024, there were 40,439 nonexempt parcels in Duplin County. 005 0. NETROnline does not guarantee that any information contained within this database or map is accurate, complete, or current. Search parcel records, soil maps, elevation, and sold land data with a subscription plan. The Historic District comprises approximately sixty per cent of the town area. Our valuation model utilizes over 20 field-level and macroeconomic variables to estimate the price of an individual plot of land. Verify land ownership and access public land records easily. 1 miles. Duplin County Planning Board will be holding a Special Meeting on December 10, 2024. 65105 ) Average elevation : 105 ft Duplin County Administrative Office 224 Seminary St. sra hplvjgrb rgae enxnami accgyu vjej rdruhrc dbisc mnop azepp pvrhd fnvzmn uqsiv thdq mllmsty