Ece 396 uic Lecture 1 – Introduction to Senior Design was presented and has been posted to the Presentations section. com), $65 J. Electronic Design ECE 396: Senior Design I. Cover Page Project title, names and email addresses of students in the design team, faculty advisor’s name, date. engineering project throughout the ECE 396/397 course sequence. Announcements (9/23/2013) To get a list of the current group assignments click here! (8/26/2013) Welcome to ECE 396! ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. myrubrics. Page generated 2015-12-08 10:32:02 CST, by jemdoc. Monday, January 14, 2013 – Instruction begins. This includes your assignments (A), presentations (P1, P2 ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. This includes your class participation, assignments ECE 396 Senior Design I Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Spring 2011 Instructor: Dr. The spreadsheet includes your assignments (A1–A7), Dec 8, 2015 · ECE 396 Final Report Outline. ECE 397 Final Report Outline. Electronics Express Important Dates. Multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as published proceedings for over 12,000 conferences per year, and over 50,000 scholarly books. 2 hours. Electronics Express To earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. Spring Semester 2015. Course ECE 396: Staff. ECE 396: Presentations. Assignments In addition to attending lectures, each student shall: regularly attend design team meetings regularly meet with the faculty advisor Feb 8, 2010 · ECE 396: Assignments. Dec 8, 2015 · Fall Semester 2015. The textbook: Voucher for myRubrics (www. ECE 396. Page generated 2011-04-04 12:15:09 CDT, by jemdoc. Eric Salt and Robert Rothery, Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN: 978-0471391463. The following outline is required for the ECE 396 final report (note that items I–VII describe work done in ECE 396; this material should be copied directly from the ECE 396 Final Report): I. Open only to seniors. Spring Semester 2009. Operational amplifiers. jemdoc. Jameco Electronics – electronic parts w/ datasheets. Simple transistor amplifier and switching applications. II. Senior Design Groups / Interests. Vahe. Fall Semester 2013. Vahe Caliskan, 1023 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 12:00–1:30pm; or by appointment ECE 396: Staff. ECE 412: Staff. Feb 13, 2013 · ECE 396 may be the basis upon which a student with a 3. Monday, January 21, 2013 – Martin Luther King Day (No classes). Here is a copy of the course syllabus. Introducing the eZ430-Chronos Wireless Watch Development Tool. PC Magazine. Syllabus. To check your team’s status, click here. Getting Started – cont. Monday, January 16, 2012 – Martin Luther King Day (No classes). Lecture 2 - Getting Started. (2/10/2009) Assignment 1 has been posted to the Homework section. Wants. Launchpad Wiki. EE Design. We suggest the "rule of 4"--multiply the credit hours by four to get the number of hours per week you should be working on your project. Sources for Mail-Order Electronics Parts. Fall Semester 2011. (Fall, Spring, Summer) 4 hours. Nov 20, 2024 · Course Guide for ECE 396. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays (10/31/2010) The final presentations for ECE 396 will take place on Thursday, December 9, 2010 in 210 LH from 10:30am–12:30pm. Last day to add a class (or withdraw Nov 4, 2009 · (10/19/2009) ECE 396 Final Report Outline has been posted to the Forms section. Last day to add a class is Friday, Week 2. (8/23/2010) Welcome to ECE 396! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Vahe Caliskan, 1023 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 1:00–3:00pm engineering project throughout the ECE 396/397 course sequence. edu ECE 396: Presentations. ( source ) May 1, 2011 · Grade of C or better in ECE 225. EXPO Judging Criteria. Page generated 2015-04-27 12:56:35 CDT, by ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. Laboratory experience. Introduction to digital logic circuits. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 12:00-1:30pm Comic Sans MS Arial PrimaSans BT Wingdings Symbol Times New Roman Arial Black Crayons 1_Crayons ECE 396 – Senior Design I Instructor: This course teaches: The reference textbook: ECE 396 “deliverables” ECE 397 “deliverables” Lecture Topics Lecture Topics (cont’d) Lecture Topics (cont’d) Lecture Topics (cont’d) Possible Nov 20, 2024 · Course Guide for ECE 396 a basic guide to direct you to some patent searching tools. (9/30/2009) Lecture 11 - Project Presentations has been posted to the Presentations section. ECE 396: Assignments. ECE Design Project Categories (according to physical description) stand-alone circuit a circuit that interfaces with existing products stand-alone circuit with software (embedded processor) software only an algorithm, fabrication method, IC layout, or other description of a process ECE Design Project Categories (according to function) personal Mar 7, 2010 · ECE 396: Senior Design I. Spring Semester 2010. Bipolar and field-effect transistors. Please see the current Undergraduate Catalog for a precise statement. INcomplete Grades: ECE 396 ECE 396 –ECE 396 – Senior Design ISenior Design I Spring Semester 2013 Lecture 14 System Design II. uic. Search UIC Library Collections. Announcements (2/25/2011) Due date for Assignment 2 has been extended to Monday, March 7, 2010. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. Previously listed as EECS 340. (2/26/2009) Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 have been posted to the Quizzes section. ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. ECE News Sources. Introduction to the principles and practice of product design: specifications, evaluation of design alternatives, technical reports, and oral presentations. Announcements (2/11/2013) Assignment 2 has been posted and will be due on 2/18/2013. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1:00 Sep 30, 2015 · ECE 396: Assignments. To earn a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): ENGL 161; and ECE 225; and ECE 340 or ECE 346 or ECE 366. Fall Semester 2010. 11:00pm–11:50pm, Mondays & Wednesdays in 120 LH (CRN Aug 24, 2015 · Fall Semester 2015. Spring Semester 2013. Spring Semester 2011. Weekly Assignments. Semiconductor junctions. To check your and your team’s status, click here. TI Launchpad Introductory Video at the eStore. Electronic Engineering Times. ECE 396 Final Report Outline. Page generated 2013-04-25 14:39:20 CDT, by jemdoc. ECE 396: Calendar. Friday, September 6, 2013 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Friday, January 25, 2013 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Chronos - TI eStore. Lecture 3 - Documentation and the Design Process. Dec 8, 2015 · ECE 396: Presentations. (9/28/2009) Lecture 10 - Power Management has been posted to the Presentations section. The spreadsheet includes your assignments (A1–A7), preliminary ECE 396: Presentations. Instructor : Dr. Chronos Wiki. No Class on Monday, January 18, 2010 — Martin Luther King Day. (1/29/2013) Senior Design Groups ECE 396: Course Information. Fall Semester 2015. Assignments In addition to attending lectures, each student shall: • regularly attend design team meetings • regularly meet with the faculty advisor ECE 396: Calendar. Lecture. Monday, January 9, 2012 – Instruction begins. Laboratory Notebook – The “Wire-O Lab Notebooks” (the last item on the list) are the ones that have been used in ECE 396/397. Syygstem Design Documentation J. project throughout the ECE 396/397 course sequence. Last day to submit Withdraw from Term request via Student ECE 396 Final Report Outline. edu) Independent design projects. 0 gpa qualifies for graduation with highest honors. At the end of the semester each team will write a final project report and make an oral presentation describing their ECE 396 design experience. (3/16/2009) EXPO Judging Criteria, ECE 396 Final Report Outline and ECE 397 Final Report Outline have been posted to the Forms section. Previously listed as EECS 396. This includes your class participation, assignments handed ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. level of quality. (1/12/2015) Welcome to ECE 396! Independent design projects. No Classes on Thursday-Friday, November 26-27, 2009 – Important Dates. 8/4. Announcements (8/24/2015) Welcome to ECE 396! Page generated 2015-12-08 10:32:02 CST, by jemdoc. Laboratory Notebook – The “Wire-O Lab Notebooks” have been used for several years for documenting design activities in ECE 396/397. Catalog Description. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:00–3:00pm; or Independent design projects. This includes your assignments (A1–A7), preliminary presentation (P1), final presentation (FPres) and final report (FRep). Lecture 1 - Introduction to Senior Design. Senior Design I. ECE 396 – Senior Design I Fall 2013 Semester Lecture 2 Getting Started Course information Make sure you have the textbook Attendance will be taken Regularly check email and webpage Send emails from @uic. Find items in UIC Library collections, including books, articles, databases and more. Wii-controlled percussion. edu Office: 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 ECE 396 SeniorDesign I Syllabus University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2011 Instructor: Dr. Feb 13, 2013 · Students who wish to receive credit under ECE 396 must first come to an agreement with an individual faculty member regarding the nature of the project, specific goals, credit hours, amount of effort required, and final report. INcomplete Grades: The UIC policy is that INcomplete grades should be given ONLY when the student is making satisfactory progress. Assignments In addition to attending lectures, each student shall: regularly attend design team meetings regularly meet with the faculty Nov 20, 2024 · Course Guide for ECE 396. Spring Semester 2012. Electronics Express ECE 396: Presentations. Page generated 2012-04-03 05:46:04 CDT, by jemdoc. (Fall, Spring) 2 hours. ECE 396: Staff. Lecture 7 - Needs vs. No Class on Monday, January 19, 2009 — Martin Luther King Day . EE Design ECE 396: Calendar. It has also been posted to the Course Info section. University of Illinois at Chicago ECE 396 −Senior Design I Lecture #1 −6 ECE 396 “deliverables:” Final report presenting the paper design of a product that your group has come up with Formal presentation of your design during 15th or 16th weekweek ECE 396 Final Report Outline. edu domain Getting Started Form design team Three members (min=2, max=4) Determine project topic Brainstorm project ideas Find faculty advisor Faculty research interests (www. Page generated 2015-04-27 12:56:35 CDT, by jemdoc. Electronics Express ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. Friday, January 23, 2015 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Dr. Vahe Caliskan, 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013, (vahe(at)uic(dot)edu) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:00–3:00pm; Friday 10:00-11:30am Independent design projects. Week: Reading Assignment : Homework Assignment Spring Semester 2010. com), $65 ECE 396 ECE 396 ECE 396 – Senior Design I– Senior Design I Spring 2010 Semester Lecture 1 Introduction to Senior Design Laboratory Notebook – The “Wire-O Lab Notebooks” have been used for several years for documenting design activities in ECE 396/397. Toyota Recall. Vahe Caliskan Email: vahe@uic. ( source ) ECE 396 ECE 396 ECE 396 – Senior Design I– Senior Design I – Faculty research interests (www. MIT Media Lab’s ECE 396 Senior Design I Senior Design Contract University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2009 Senior Design I (ECE 396): Fall 2009 & Senior Design II (ECE 397): Spring 2010 Signatures Student (Team Member 1) Date Student (Team Member 3) Date Faculty Advisor Date Student (Team Member 2) Date Student (Team Member 4) Date Course Instructor Date. EXPO Sample Judging Form. (2/10/2009) Assignment 2 has been posted to the Homework section. Electronic Design ECE 396: Mail-Order Parts. Important Dates. UIC Library; Subject and Course Guides; ECE 396; Patents; ECE 396. Dec 8, 2015 · ECE 396: Staff. Friday, January 20, 2012 – Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course(s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via Student Self-Service without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Independent design projects. ECE 396 ECE 396 –ECE 396 – Senior Design ISenior Design I Si S t Spring Semester 2013 L 3Lecture 3 – Faculty research interests (www. ECE Design Project Categories (according to physical description) stand-alone circuit a circuit that interfaces with existing products stand-alone circuit with software (embedded processor) software only an algorithm, fabrication method, IC layout, or other description of a process ECE Design Project Categories (according to function) personal May 1, 2011 · ECE 396. Page generated 2010-03-31 14:28:02 CDT, by jemdoc . Monday, January 10, 2011 – Instruction begins. Feb 18, 2013 · ECE 396: Senior Design I. No Class on Monday, September 7, 2009 — Labor Day . Page generated 2010-03-31 14:28:02 CDT, by jemdoc. ECE 396 Senior Design I Senior Design Contract University of Illinois at Chicago Fall 2010 Senior Design I (ECE 396): Fall 2010 & Senior Design II (ECE 397): Spring 2011 Signatures Student (Team Member 1) Date Student (Team Member 3) Date Faculty Advisor Date Student (Team Member 2) Date Student (Team Member 4) Date Course Instructor Date ECE 396: Calendar. Jan 9, 2012 · (1/9/2012) Welcome to ECE 396! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. ECE 396 – Senior Design I Author: Vahe Caliskan Last modified by: Vahe Created Date: 8/26/2009 2:55:19 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: UIC-ECE_Dept Other titles: Comic Sans MS Arial Calibri Crayons 1_Crayons ECE 396 – Senior Design I Getting Started Documentation Lab Notebook Helps With … ECE 396: Presentations. Monday, January 19, 2015 – Martin Luther King Day (No classes). Apr 15, 2024 · Course Guide for ECE 396. Page generated 2009-03-17 08:45:33 CDT, by jemdoc . Monday, September 2, 2013 – Labor Day (No classes). Fall Semester 2009. Monday, January 12, 2015 – Instruction begins. Project Goals Mar 15, 2010 · (1/11/2010) Welcome to ECE 396! Today the syllabus for the course was handed out. Jan 12, 2015 · Announcements (1/21/2015) Senior Design Team Declaration and Senior Design Contract forms have been posted to the Forms section of the course webpage. ece. Team Status. edu) • Laboratory notebook. Monday, August 26, 2013 – Instruction begins. edu Office: 921 SEO, (312) 996-6013 Jun 17, 2024 · Course Guide for ECE 396. ergzzbujefzgluzxconzyovoevqtvgahmrtqkdmrnovqofiuwqiuvdgdyhqabdbhbswsdafsyu