Haykakan zhamanak. Armenia (application no.

Haykakan zhamanak She worked at the Haykakan Zhamanak” (The Armenian Times) as a journalist from 2003 to 2008. «Հայկական ժամանակ»-ի պաշտոնական էջը Ֆեյսբուքում Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian: Հայկական Ժամանակ, Armenian Times) is a daily newspaper in Armenian published in Yerevan, Armenia, since 1999. 2016-in Norvegian merzhel e Adrbejani՝ pashtpanakan nshanakuthyan sparazinuthyan gnman hayteh «Հայկական ժամանակ». También utilizamos cookies para recopilar datos anónimos sobre su comportamiento en nuestros sitios web y para comprender cómo podemos mejorar nuestros servicios. It is a follow up of the Armenian daily newspaper Oragir (in Armenian Օրագիր) established in 1998 and closed by the Armenian government of the time in its clamp down on the opposition. Since March 2008, Anna has replaced her husband as the chief editor of the Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times) newspaper. Armenian journalist Nikol Pashinyan was the long Apr 8, 2016 · We use cookies to improve your experience by storing data about your preferences, your device or your browsing session. no. We also use cookies to collect anonymized data about your behaviour on our websites, and to understand how we can best improve our services. com-ը նախկինում լույս տեսնող «Հայկական ժամանակ» օրաթերթի կայքն է, որում տեղ են գտնում ինչպես ՀԺ-ի հեղինակային նյութերը, այնպես էլ ամենատարբեր ոլորտներին առնչվող լուրեր: ՀԺ-ն վերաբացվել է Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի Feb 15, 2016 · Media. The car explosion occurred the day after we rebuked Armenia's Police Chief. 61737/08) see here SUMMARY Preventing the applicant company from publishing its newspaper, Haykakan Zhamanak, during a state of emergency following the 2008 presidential election in Armenia. Nov 2, 2002 · Five years ago to the day, Armenian newspapers ran the famous “War or Peace” article by then President Levon Ter-Petrosian which stressed the need for a quick end to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Mar 14, 2020 · “Haykakan Zhamanak,” which boasts the highest daily circulation in the country, was already taken to court and fined 3. Armenia In today’s Chamber judgment1 in the case of Dareskizb Ltd v. 09. HIMA Youth Initiative Logo. Haykakan Zhamanak is a daily Armenian newspaper that covers politics, business and culture. Մուլտիմեդիա Սա կապիտուլյացիա է, որին հաջորդելու է նոր պատերազմը. Oct 7, 2024 · On September 18, Armenian law enforcement announced the arrest of three individuals accused of forming an armed group to overthrow the government (Haykakan Zhamanak, September 18). Armenia, the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression), of the European Convention on Human Rights, and a violation of Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial). [4] Օրաթերթ, խմբագրություն Utilizamos cookies para mejorar su experiencia almacenando datos sobre sus preferencias, su dispositivo o su sesión de navegación. εδώ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Παρεμπόδιση της προσφεύγουσας εταιρείας να εκδίδει την εφημερίδα της, Haykakan Zhamanak κατά τη διάρκεια κατάστασης έκτακτης ανάγκης μετά τις Sep 21, 2021 · In today’s Chamber judgment1 in the case of Dareskizb Ltd v. Հայկական ժամանակ է Պատասար ընկերության հայտնաբերված է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է հայտնաբերվել է Պատասար ընկերությ Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian: Հայկական Ժամանակ, Armenian Times) is a daily newspaper in Armenian published in Yerevan, Armenia, since 1999. 2025 | 22:57 Տրանսպորտի թանկացման դեմ բոյկոտը շարունակվում է 17. com, also known as Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times), is a prominent Armenian news outlet. Nikol Vovayi Pashinyan (Armenian: Նիկոլ Վովայի Փաշինյան, [a] pronounced [nikɔl pʰɑʃinˈjɑn]; born 1 June 1975) is an Armenian politician serving as the prime minister of Armenia since 8 May 2018. 1999 թվականին «Օրագիր» պարբերականի փակվելուց հետո Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի ջանքերով վերականգնվեց «Հայկական ժամանակ»-ի տպագրությունը։ Այն «Օրագրի» տրամաբանական շարունակությունն է [1] ։. Spokesperson of Russian president Dmitry Peskov denied the publication of Armenian “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily that Moscow forces Armenia to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus. Armenian POWERSPELL. Feb 6, 2012 · Following the dismissal of the Yerevan State Linguistic University (YSLU) rector, two candidates have applied for the vacant position, the paper has learned. В результате столкновений в Сирии погибло около 70 человек. Перевод контекст "Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: As a former journalist, I can say that under the previous regime there was a lot of pressure on the Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper, which I worked for, and on its chief editor, who is now the Prime Minister of Armenia. Armenia 360 is provided by the Armenian Assembly of America. It was established as a continuation of the daily newspaper Oragir, which started in 1998 and was shut down by the Armenian government during its clamp-down on opposition. Haykakan Zhamanak (in Armenian Հայկական Ժամանակ meaning Armenian Times) is a daily Armenian newspaper published in Yerevan since 1999. Որքա՞ն աշխատավարձ են ստանում Լոռու մարզպետն ու քաղաքապետերը 11:46 20/10/2017 Haykakan zhamanak Translations in context of "Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper" in English-Russian from Reverso Context: As a former journalist, I can say that under the previous regime there was a lot of pressure on the Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper, which I worked for, and on its chief editor, who is now the Prime Minister of Armenia. Тасмагамбетов. According to the report, the President Редакция ежедневной газеты. Con la chiusura dell'Oragir, diventa editore dell'Haykakan Zhamanak vicino al partito d'opposizione Patria Democratica, dell'ex primo ministro Petros Makeyan, rimanendo alla guida del giornale sino al 2012 quando viene eletto al parlamento. two unknown people beat up a journalist of the Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper Lusine Barseghyan. Haykakan zhamanak. /ARKA/. このページは、18歳以上のみ閲覧可能です。 Перевод контекст "Haykakan Zhamanak daily" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: The opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) decided to nominate editor- in-chief of Haykakan Zhamanak daily Nikol Pashinian for Electoral District 10. At the end of the series, the overall trends will be summarized. The European Court on Human Rights communicated to RA Government the application of the founder of “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily, “Dareskizb” Armenian newspapers Online. It is a follow-up of the daily newspaper Oragir (Օրագիր) established in 1998 and shut down by the Armenian government during its clamp-down on opposition. Nov 12, 2015 · To meet this condition, Russia has to rapidly raise its gas price toward European prices, which means that the gas price for Armenia will be raised three times… On October 2 RA Civil Court of Appeal released the judgment on the complaint of the owner of “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily, “Dareskizb” LLC. Still, the hard-hitting polemics helped Haykakan Zhamanak become a best-selling daily in Armenia and increasingly キーワード: haykakan+zhamanak. Nikol Vovayi Paşinyan (Ermenice: Նիկոլ Վովայի Փաշինյան; d. Aug 20, 2016 · A major Armenian businessman owning a luxurious restaurant in Spain has been released from prison after two months detention, the paper has learned In a post on Facebook, Arman Mayilyan thanks all those who supported h CJTeam, Yerevan, 07 Jun 2009 – On June 5 the Court of First Instance of Kentron and Nork-Marash Communities of Yerevan chaired by Judge Arayik Melkumyan partially satisfied Levon Kocharyan&#8… On 23 January 2013, opposition MP Nikol Pashinyan publicized a project to establish a new political process, which he called a "civil contract," in the newspaper Haykakan zhamanak (The Armenian Times). Գտեք ձեր սիրած աստղին Հայկականում, մենք ունենք այս պահին ինտերնետում շրջանառվող լավագույն լուսանկարները, տեսանյութերը Մենք առցանց ենք 2016 թվականից ניקול פשיניאן (בארמנית: Նիկոլ Փաշինյան; נולד ב-1 ביוני 1975) הוא מדינאי ועיתונאי ארמני, המכהן כראש ממשלת ארמניה מאז מאי 2018. Gari Galeyan, the father of Mkhitar Galeyan, who was martyred in the 6-week war in Artsakh in the autumn of 2020, denied a report by the daily ‘Haykakan Zhamanak’ alleging that he and other members of “Call of Sons” NGO tried to kidnap today Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s son Ashot. Հայերեն տեքստերի սրբագրման գործիք Word, Excel, PowerPoint ծրագրերի համար: Discover detailed information about Haykakan Zhamanak, a leading newspaper in , , Armenia. Feb 3, 2018 · Armenia in 2017 served as a a unique kind of channel in terms of sending Russian private transfers to the United States, the paper says, citing the Central Bank of Armenia A recently published report revealed that the Oct 17, 2019 · 17/10/2019 11:24. ՊԻԱՆՔԱ ՍԱՐԸԱՍԼԱՆ. am continues its interviews with key staff of local Armenian newspapers on the problems and survival prospects of the print media in Armenia. Mar 17, 2023 · Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan will announce his resignation today, writes the website of Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times) daily, which is owned by the family of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. 61737/08) Βλ. He later become the editor in chief of the newspaper Sep 14, 2011 · Armenia's Court of Cassation has thrown out an appeal by the opposition daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" against a 6 million drams ($16,200) fine imposed on it earlier this year in a defamation case. #haykakan+zhamanakのイラストやマンガは0件、#haykakan+zhamanakの小説、SSは0件投稿されています。 Oct 10, 2014 · Tigran Asatryan, the suspect in the murder of the brother of Arthur Safaryan, crime lord nicknamed Tevosik, was released, his lawyer Varduhi Elbakyan told Haykakan Zhamanak. Later, she temporarily took over the position of editor-in-chief of the newspaper after Nikol Pashinyan (previous editor-in-chief) was imprisoned for political reasons in the aftermath of violence in the 2008 Armenian protests. The group has a history of recruiting Armenian citizens as foreign fighters in Russia’s war in Ukraine. Sep 21, 2021 · JUDGMENT Dareskizb Ltd v. The ECtHR found, in particular, that the restriction of the newspaper’s circulation had no other purpose than to limit criticism of […] Sep 21, 2021 · Government’s preventing publication of Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper during state of emergency Today, the European Court of Human Rights has delivered a judgment on the case Dareskizb Ltd v. Translations in context of "Haykakan Zhamanak" in English-Russian from Reverso Context: These manipulations worked: Oragir was closed down, which forced us to appear under the name Haykakan Zhamanak. Перевод контекст "Haykakan Zhamanak" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: These manipulations worked: Oragir was closed down, which forced us to appear under the name Haykakan Zhamanak. Nikol Pashinyan is a former Armenian journalist and editor who led a successful political movement against the Serzh Sargsyan government and became the 20th Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia on May 8, 2018. Born on June 1, 1975 in Idjevan, he graduated from Idjevan Secondary School N1. <br /> <br /> Քաղաքական ժողովրդական օրաթերթ. Armtimes. Anna Hakobyan was born on February 1, 1978, in Yerevan. Armenia 21. Sep 16, 2014 · “Yerevan Beer” company (their main brand “Kilikia”) has applied to court against the Ministry of Finance. Ի՞նչ կ՚ընէիք, եթէ անցեալին երթայիք եւ Oct 16, 2019 · Today the first person of Armenia is an individual who governs the state without any conventional principle, rule or responsibility Feb 16, 2025 · YEREVAN, May 17. In 1991-1995, he studied at the Yerevan State University. List of Armenian newspapers and news sites for latest events, sports, jobs, education, politics, festivals, lifestyles, travel, real Nov 16, 2016 · The lion’s share, AMD 24m, will be directed to the Vardanants medical center owned by the ARINTERLEV CJSC. - Согласно" Айкакан жаманак", дело по инциденту с Ани Геворгян возбуждено не было. On January 17, 2011 the court of general jurisdiction of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan started hearing the case on the suit of RA National Assembly MPs Samvel Aleksanian (unaffiliated), Levon Sargsian and Ruben Hayrapetian (members of Republican Party of Armenia faction) versus the founder of “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily, “Dareskizb” LLC. It was founded in 1999 by Nikol Pashinyan, who later became the prime minister of Armenia. The company’s owner MP Hakob Hakobyan revealed the information to a journalist of “Haykakan Zhamanak” (Armenian Times) newspaper. Sep 21, 2021 · ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ Dareskizb Ltd κατά Αρμενίας της 21. Vorkhan ashxatavardz en stanum Loru marzpetn u khaghakhapetereh «Հայկական ժամանակ». Sivil Sözleşme (Ermenice: Քաղաքացիական պայմանագիր, K'aghak'atsiakan paymanagir, ՔՊ, genellikle Քաղպայմանագիր olarak kısaltılır, K'aghpaymanagir), Ermenistan'da faaliyet gösteren merkezci bir siyasi partidir. issued by the Registrar of the Court ECHR 277 (2021) 21. 2021 (app. キーワード検索: haykakan+zhamanak. According to"Haykakan Zhamanak", criminal proceedings on the incident with Ani Gevorgian haven not been instituted. May 3, 2011 · The paper claims it has learned that following the February 24 cabinet meeting Armenia’s Chief of Police Alik Sargsyan and Armenia’s Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan engaged in a hot row which continues till today. Net - Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan pledged to put an end to oligarchy, Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper reported, citing governmental sources. The company was founded by Armenia’s Minister of Health Levon Altunyan The Barerar. 2025 | 22:55 Ապարանում հայտնի «Գնթունիք» սուպերմարկետի աշխատակիցների Հայկական Ժամանակ. Our interviewee is Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times) publisher Dareskizb LLC director, as well as Haykakan Zhamanak correspondent, economic analyst Hayk Gevorgyan. 2021 (αρ. “Haykakan Zhamanak” reprints it under the following comment: “Armenia is now faced with the same challenges as five years ago, and unfortunately we have not heard a more serious and weighty 使用Reverso Context: He promised to punish me, and that he would act the next time Haykakan Zhamanak criticized any well-known person. Other articles where The Armenian Times is discussed: Nikol Pashinyan: Early life, education, and journalistic career: The paper was succeeded by The Armenian Times (Haykakan Zhamanak), and Pashinyan served as its first editor in chief until 2008 (and remained the nominal editor in chief until 2012). 1 Haziran 1975; İcevan), 8 Mayıs 2018'de Ermenistan başbakanı olarak göreve başlayan Ermeni siyasetçi, eski gazeteci ve editör. Armenia (application no. Ο Νικόλ Πασινιάν (αρμενικά: Նիկոլ Վովայի Փաշինյան, 1975-) είναι Αρμένιος πολιτικός και πρωθυπουργός της χώρας από τις 8 Μαΐου 2018 (υπηρεσιακός από τις 16 Οκτωβρίου 2018). Anna Hakobyan and her husband Nikol Pashinyan are journalists. 6 million drams in late 2009 for alleging that former President Robert Kocharian’s younger son, Levon, provoked a drunken brawl in the United Arab Emirates. このページは、18歳以上のみ閲覧可能です。 Feb 25, 2015 · The paper says it has learned from sources that the expert commission tasked with elaborating the constitutional reforms has already started the work on the amended draft text. 2016-ին Նորվեգիան մերժել է Ադրբեջանի՝ պաշտպանական նշանակության սպառազինության գնման հայտ 11:35 07/11/2017 Haykakan zhamanak Yesterday at nearly 9:40 a. キーワード: haykakan+zhamanak. 2021 Interdiction par le gouvernement de la publication du journal Haykakan Zhamanak pendant l'état d'urgence issued by the Registrar of the Court ECHR 277 (2021) 21. προσφ. The Armenian government faces a potential vulnerability from militant groups as progress occurs in the normalization process with Azerbaijan following the 2020 Մեր մասին; armtimes. Обязательства ОДКБ в отношении Армении соблюдаются. Giving importance to continuous education, Anna Hakobyan completed a number of courses at The American University in 2001. “We won’t let 2 days ago · Մեր մասին; armtimes. . Перевод контекст "daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: Later on Thursday, the Yerevan daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" identified the accused man as Robert Koorkian and posted an interview with him on its website. Visit their official website, Հայկական ժամանակ, to explore the latest news, contact details, and more. HIMA! (Armenian: ՀԻՄԱ’, which in English means "NOW!"), was a youth initiative based in Yerevan, Armenia, advocating for democracy and civil rights during the last years of Armenia's former Presidents Robert Kocharyan's second term and first years of his successor, Serzh Sargsyan. Oct 4, 2022 · Yerevan /Mediamax/. Մելիք-Շահնազարյան 5 days ago · Վենետիկի հանձնաժողովի նիստում քննարկվել է սեփականության օտարման մասին օրենսդրության By far the best response I’ve received on this space I’ve created has been the report filed on the Los Angeles Armenia-Turkey protocol protests exactly one month ago. Перевод контекст "Zhamanak" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: On February 24 Haikakan Zhamanak newspaper published an article Now the Military Police. May 5, 2018 · March 2018: Nikol Pashinyan gives an interview to ParaTV. Source: Youtube / ParaTV. Հայկական ժամանակ, Հայաստանում տպագրվող հայալեզու քաղաքական ուղղվածությամբ օրաթերթ։. am website and app changed many lives in 6 months Three Armenian Entrepreneurs Featured in Forbes’ March Issue Ameriabank Announces the Winners of “My Armenia, My Future” Student Contest Ameriabank named Armenia’s Best Investment Bank for 2025 by Global Finance Ameriabank secures €105 million loan from EIB Global to boost small and medium-sized businesses in Armenia May 8, 2018 · As a journalism student at Yerevan State University, he wrote screeds against corruption, and was expelled in 1995 before he could graduate. com-ը նախկինում լույս տեսնող «Հայկական ժամանակ» օրաթերթի կայքն է, որում տեղ են գտնում ինչպես ՀԺ-ի հեղինակային նյութերը, այնպես էլ ամենատարբեր ոլորտներին առնչվող լուրեր: ՀԺ-ն վերաբացվել է Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի Registration will open for you all the features of the system De la Greffière de la Cour CEDH 277 (2021) 21. am); 168 Zham (168 ժամ, 168 Hours); Aravot (Առավոտ, "Morning"), published since 1994, liberal, independent; Azg May 17, 2023 · Haykakan Zhamanak, a newspaper owned by the family of Armenian PM Nikol Pahsinyan, writes that an attempt was made today to kidnap the prime minister’s son Ashot outside the family’s house. Մարտ. Հ2-ի անդրադարձը՝ Գյումրիում «Մայր Հայաստան»-ի նախընտրական մեծ հավաքին 17. She is a graduate of the Yerevan State University, Faculty of Journalism. In the fifth year of graduation, he was dismissed from the YSU for political reasons. 2021 Government’s preventing publication of Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper during state of emergency In today’s Chamber judgment1 in the case of Dareskizb Ltd v. . She was assaulted by unknown men as she left her parents’ apartment block in Yerevan in the morning. Nov 19, 2015 · “Haykakan Zhamanak” daily in an article headlined “Can’t they calculate in the Ministry of Finance?” (November 19, 2015 issue) addressed clarification published by the Ministry of Finance on media coverage about the Ministry of Finance Dilijan training center in reply to “Azatutyun” report of November 13, 2015, headlined “State resources “are wastefully used” in the Construction of Kapan Airport is under way now – it is expected to be over this summer, Haykakan Zhamanak reports referring to Gevork Parsyan, head of the Kapan community. The first issue appeared on October 28, 1908 with Misak Koçunyan as the editor and has been somewhat a family establishment, for it has been owned by the Koçunyan family since its inception. The comments and views were exactly what I needed to keep me goi Armenia’s Court of Cassation on Tuesday threw out an appeal from the opposition daily “Haykakan Zhamanak” that was fined 6 million drams ($16,200) earlier this year for implicating three government-linked businessmen in criminal activity. 114,727 likes · 7,369 talking about this. Armenia 360 is a comprehensive source of news and information about Armenian issues to promote public understanding. Jun 7, 2012 · The paper says former MP, businessman Harutyun Pambukyan seems to want to return to Armenia’s political life which he left for about three years ago, settling in Moscow. Career. Объявлен комендантский час. ,在英语-中文情境中翻译"Haykakan Zhamanak" Примеры использования haykakan zhamanak в предложениях и их переводы. 61737/08) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had […] Oct 7, 2024 · Executive Summary: Last month, Armenia arrested several individuals accused of recruiting others to stage a coup in the country. The “Haykakan Zhamanak”-State: Mikayel Minasyan's article in Hraparak daily In Armenian: 301 (301 հայերեն, 301. Feb 16, 2011 · PanARMENIAN. m. In 2006, Nikol Pashinyan was a journalist editing the Haykakan Zhamanak Daily (the Armenian Times), an opposition newspaper he founded after having been dismissed from Yerevan State University. 年齢認証. It is a follow-up of the daily newspaper Oragir (Օրագիր) established in 1998 and shut down by the Armenian government during its clamp-down on opposition. qog snovvm mkpxv lumlsr hriuvn edzfl tqxunxmhq skks vkmb shosk issdkm wxxqc zyerqiv iklfa islk