Uic ece 445 requirements 10 ME 445. Class Schedule Information: Additional Laboratory time to be arranged in 2070 ECEB. 3 Erickson,Problem5. Home-schooled students. All ECE students will need to have a computer system and Internet connection to take online courses. Electric circuit elements; Ohm's Law; Kirchhoff's laws; transient and steady-state analysis of circuits; Laplace transform methods; network theorems. UIC. ECE ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture6 Fall2002 Fromourobservations,weconcludethatsubcircuit(2)occurswhenvs<0andsubcircuit(3)occurswhen vs Expectations and Requirements. edu. end ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet3 Fall2002 Due: September 24, 2002 ps3_1. Expectations and Requirements ECE ILLINOIS - ECE 445 ZJU Senior Projects. Students who want to register for more than three courses must obtain approval from the department’s director of graduate studies via formal petition (forms available from the Student Affairs office). Laboratory. 14 Solution (a) The worst case condition for the DCM boost converter is when it is closest to the CCM boundary. You might also find this book helpful in other analog electronics and control systems courses as well. Refer to the requirements for your country/territory above. Favorite course: ECE 265 Introduction to Logic Design and ECE 266 Introduction to Embedded Systems. Cross-functional teams (w/students from other departments/colleges) research and apply new product concepts to open-ended design problems. Program requirements are given below: Master of Science ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture7 Fall2002 PSfragreplacements + + ¡ ¡ is v vs d D1 D2 D3 D4 Lc Id Figure4: Half ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet1Solutions Fall2002 Due: September 5, 2002 inthecapacitoratt=0¡,t=0+ andt=1aregivenby WC1(0 1 2 Cv2 C(0 1 2 CV2 s W C2(0 ECE 445 Senior Design; ECE 496/499 Senior Research and Thesis: Another Way of Receiving ECE 445 Credit; Junior Eligibility the (2. 10 Problem PS8. The department provides the minimum requirements and ideal recommendations below to help you choose the right setup. 2 Problem PS8. Class Schedule Information: To be properly Courses. Students should consult their department section for additional degree requirements. 1 Erickson, Problem 2. 1, ron=1m, roff=1meg). Prerequisite(s): MATH 220; and grade of C or better in PHYS 142; and grade of C or better in ECE 115. To earn a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. Requirements for specific assignments due throughout the semester can be found by looking through the Grading Scheme for the course. 3 (100 pts) ConsiderthecircuitshowninFigure3whereadc Summer 2025 Course List. Degree Requirements—Electrical Engineering ; Sample Course Schedule— Electrical Engineering ; Minor in Electrical Engineering Must be a current undergraduate student in the ECE department; Must have completed 30 credit hours of ECE core courses (courses listed under “Required in the College of Engineering” in the UIC catalog. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): ECE 445. Class Schedule Information: To be properly We want to ensure that your experience in 445 demonstrates your potential as an engineer graduating from the University of Illinois. Susceptibility. University of Illinois Chicago In addition to the application requirements of the Office of Admissions and Records and the policies set by the Graduate College, applicants should meet program requirements for admission. College of Engineering students should consult the undergraduate office or an academic advisor to learn how the CE and EE minor requirements pertain to them. Graduate studies Expectations and Requirements. We have high expectations for students participating in ECE 445. Course Information: Same as IE 445. edu ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Midterm1Solutions Fall2002 Total: 300 points Answer: Thediodestaysreverse-biased(ofi)upto!0t=…whenvC(t)triestobecomenegative. S. 4 Simulate Midterm 2 Problem MT2. ECE James Scholar Program; Samuel In addition to the application requirements of the Office of Admissions and the policies set by the Graduate College, applicants should meet program requirements for admission. Program requirements are given below: ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture10 Fall2002 PSfragreplacements vs1 vs2 C is L iC vd1 Id D1 D2 D3 D4 D6 va D5 vb vc ia ib ic a b c is1 is2 Figure 1: Three-phase half-wave (three-pulse) rectifler. Important Note: This is the archived version of the 2011–2013 Undergraduate Catalog. According to the U. Here are a few items that you will need to consider as we enter this semester. 1 Considerthedc-excitedLCD(inductor-capacitor-diode)circuitsshownbelow. in MATH 320; or consent of the instructor NONENGINEERING AND GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS(50 hrs) COURSE TITLE NUMBER General College Chemistry I*b Chem 112 HRS. Meeting minimum requirements does not, however, guarantee admission. Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Other courses such as ECE 407 Pattern Recognition I, ECE 418 Statistical Digital Signal Processing, or ECE 534 Elements of Information Theory also can be useful. Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits. ece445s11-asgn4. 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture8 Fall2002 Nowthepowerfactorcanbecalculatedbysubstituting(15)and(17)into(9) kp= hp(t)i At UIC, graduate students in electrical and computer engineering have access to the world-class faculty expertise, personalized one-on-one mentoring, and computing facilities needed to define their career path in academia or industry. cir - Switched RC Circuit Vs 1 0 12 ; dc voltage source * S and Vsw model a switch that turns on at t=0 S 1 2 5 0 sx ; voltage controlled switch Vsw 5 0 pulse(0 1 0 1u 1u 100 1000) ; control voltage for switch S R 2 3 1k ; 1 kOhm resistance Must meet the core first-year requirements as well as display evidence of English competency and financial certifications. Systematic approach to the design process. 25 or higher. The grading scheme for the course, as well as links to specific requirements for each assignment/deliverable and evaluation sheets, are given in the table below. edu Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Problem Set 5 Fall 2002 Due: October 24, 2002 Reading † Read/review Chapter 1 (Erickson) † Read Chapter 2 (Erickson) Problem PS5. Prerequisite(s): ECE 225 and ECE 322. Theswitchisclosedatt =0. Interdisciplinary Product Development 2. This cannot include more than two non-ECE courses. See Undergraduate International Admissions Requirements for details. 12; Processor: Intel 4th Gen i5; Memory: 4 GB RAM; Hard Drive: 100 GB or larger ECE 445. 14 V. 4 hours. 5 26m ED 445, EPSY 320, EPSY 414, and EPSY 446 can be taken to fulfill requirements in the Youth Development concentration. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet2 Fall2002 Due: September 12, 2002 Problem PS2. 0-5 hours. 2 Erickson, Problem 6. Administration: Department Head, Daniela Tuninetti, danielat@uic. 1 V. As of now, the dome has 32 LED lights which are wired and functional. model sx vswitch (von=0. The switch is closed at t= 0. 18µm 0. Sincetheweightoftheimpulse⁄representsthearea undervs(t)vs. BS in Electrical Feb 17, 2025 · An undergraduate education in ECE is the gateway to an incredibly promising career. BE A COMPUTER ENGINEER By understanding a computer system from top to bottom, computer engineers are well prepared to create the wide array of computing systems and software we use every day. You are soon to be alumni of one of the top ECE departments of the world. Students are expected to be proficient in the prerequisite areas, in particular probability and statistics (ECE 341), calculus (MATH 210), and linear algebra (MATH 310). Free Electives: Additional course work, subject to the Grainger College of Engineering restrictions to Free Electives , so that there are at least 128 credit hours earned toward the degree. 25) Rule; Minors for Engineering Students; Probation and Drop Rules; Scholarships and Awards; Independent Study Funding; Leung Student Venture Fund Award; Honors at Graduation. Whenoneofthevariablesisgoingthroughitsdcofisetvalue,theotherisatitspositiveornegative All ECE students will need to have a computer system and Internet connection to take online courses. Degree Requirements To earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. See full list on catalog. When the switch is in position 1, vL(t)=Vg and when it is in position 2 vL(t)=v(t). Program requirements are given below: Master of Science 28 credit hours of coursework. ECE 442 is a supplement for ECE 445 and ECE 545. Contribute to pablitorun/uic-ece-thesis-template development by creating an account on GitHub. Each subsystem should be associated with a set of requirements. in MATH 215; &amp;Gr. 16 of those credit hours must be in ECE courses at the 500 level, excluding ECE 596, ECE 598, and ECE 599. b. Due to the small conduction angle, the current is drawn from the source is a pulsed, quasi- There is one important exception to this rule: coursework-only MS students who are concentrating in computer engineering may substitute up to 4 credit hours of 500-level ECE coursework with 400-level ECE coursework as long as they replace the same number of hours of non-ECE coursework with 500-level coursework in the computer science department UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. Focus on solutions to the opportunities. ECE 445. The Graduate College minimum scores* are indicated for each. ECE 496 and ECE 499 are individual study courses for seniors majoring in electrical engineering or in computer engineering to undertake research projects. 1 CS 366; or ECE 366 ECE 340 ECE 467 CS 366; or ECE 366 and ECE 368 Gr. Creative problem solving. 5 Problem PS6. F 4. EPSY 320, EPSY 370, and EPSY 405 can be taken to fulfill requirements in the Early Childhood concentration. Coupling and shielding. pdf. 2 Erickson, Problem 2. Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and computer hardware engineering—all fields that stem from an ECE education—reported a median annual salary of $101,250 to $117,220. 4 A three-phase half-wave (three-pulse) rectifler is shown below. 2025 4-week session: May 19 - June 13. Restricted to Senior standing. ECE James Scholar Program; Samuel ECE 445 or combination of ECE 496 & ECE 499 satisfies a technical core requirement and the Campus General Education Advanced Composition requirement. Analysis & Design of Power Electronic Circuits ECE 445. 5 using Vs = 10V, L =10µH and C1 = C2 = C ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture9 Fall2002 …=2¡!t1. In my opinion, this is the most rigorous introductory textbook on power electronics and covers a wide range of important material. Radiated and conducted emissions. edu ece. Prerequisite(s): MATH 220; and Grade of C or better in PHYS 142; and Grade of C or better in ECE 115. Incidentally, this textbook is also being used by a special topics course on power electronics (ECE 491) this term. This is an important attribute of successful project engineering in ECE445. ECE ILLINOIS - ECE 445 Senior Projects. probe. For our purposes, the free evaluation version will be more than sufficient. time At least three members are full members of the UIC Graduate College; At least two are tenured (not just tenure-track) faculty; Diversity is prized in the creation of a preliminary examination committee; thus, including one or two members from outside the electrical and computer engineering department or UIC is encouraged. 4V −0. Contact Information: Campus Location: 1020 Science and Engineering Offices (SEO) (312) 996–3423 ecestudentaffairs@uic. High-frequency-magnetics design and measurement, parasitics, modeling, estimation, and measurement, soft switching for DC-DC converters, distributed DC-DC converters, and design layout. Please read through this documentation well before each assignment is due. 25 or higher are eligible to take ECE 496/499 to satisfy the capstone design requirements for EE’s (in place of ECE 445) and CE’s (in place of ECE 411 or ECE 445). 5 graduate hours. Assume that all of the ele-ments (including the switch and the diode) are ideal. 1 Problem PS6. Caliskan Handed out: October 17, 2002 I would talk to the department about it, but usually you have to take ECE 396 and ECE 397 because 396 is the planning of the project and 397 is the implementation. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture5 Fall2002 Half-waverectiflerwithinductiveload Consider the half-wave rectifler circuit shown in ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet3Solutions Fall2002 Due: September 24, 2002 C 3 0 100u (ic=0) ; 100 uF capacitor with zero initial voltage * switch model (turn-on voltage, turn-off voltage, on resistance, off resistance). Feb 13, 2013 · ECE 445 Senior Design; ECE 496/499 Senior Research and Thesis: Another Way of Receiving ECE 445 Credit; Junior Eligibility the (2. The following are the only tests accepted at UIC as evidence of English proficiency. I also expect you to be familiar with a standard circuit simulator such as PSpice. 9, voff=0. Discrete and Continuous Signals and Systems ECE 310 F,Sp 3 MATH 220; and credit or conc. edu www. Prerequisite: ECE 385. Minimum requirements: OS: Windows 10 or MacOS 10. in ECE 225 (ECE 210 for non-ECE students) Electronics I ECE 340 F,Sp 4 Grade of C or better in ECE 225 Probability and Random Processes for Engineers ECE 341 F,Sp 3 Grade of C or better in MATH 210 To earn a BS degree from the College of Engineering at UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. # Solution Our solution will involve building on the previous groups’ progress to hopefully come up with a functional PTM dome. ECE ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits SampleMidterm1Solutions Fall2002 Problem 1 a. Depending on the course, a grade of A or B in one or more prerequisite courses may be required. Analysis of different isolated and non-isolated power-converter topologies, understanding of power-converter components, switching schemes. ece. 4 Problem PS5. ECE 445 or combination of ECE 496 & ECE 499 satisfies a technical core requirement and the Campus General Education Advanced Composition requirement. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. This excludes: ECE 194, ECE 294, ECE 391, ECE 392, ECE 496, and ECE 497. University and college degree requirements for all College of Engineering students are outlined below. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. Reply reply Certain-Side-145 Use the links below to explore the requirements for the CE and EE minors. Acceptable transcripts for home-school students must include: graduate hours. Caliskan Handed out: October 31, 2002 ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet4 Fall2002 Due: October 3, 2002 PSfragreplacements vs 1 vs2 + + + ¡ ¡ ¡ C is L iC Id vd D D2 is1 is2 Figure3: ProblemPS4. Pre-Lecture #1: (before the first lecture) Brainstorming and Ideation Vahe Caliskan Last modified: Thu Oct 17 17:18:39 2002 ABET Programs Outcomes and Assessment. 1 Problem PS5. 1 Problem PS7. Prerequisite(s): ECE 342 and ECE 346. ECE Advising Office. ECE 445 addresses the following: 1. No graduate credit. Electrical and Computer Engineering: ECE: 423: Electromagnetic Compatibility: 3 OR 4 hours. Prerequisites for this course are ECE 310 and 342. Prior to closing the Degree Requirements To earn a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree ECE 225: Circuit Analysis ECE 265: Introduction to Logic Design ECE 266: Introduction to Embedded Systems ECE 310: Discrete and Continuous Signals and Systems ECE 317: Digital Signal Processing I ECE 333: Computer Communication Networks I ECE 340: Electronics I ECE 341: Probability and Random Processes for Engineers ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Problem Set 8 Fall 2002 Due: November 26, 2002 Reading • Read Chapter 6 (Erickson) Problem PS8. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture4 Fall2002 3. ECE 311 Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications; ECE 333 Computer Communication Networks I; Technical Electives: ECE 432 Digital Communication; ECE 437 Wireless Communication; ECE 491 Information and Learning; Graduate-Level Courses*: ECE 532 Advanced Digital Communications; ECE 534 Elements of Information Theory; ECE 594: Network ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet7Solutions Fall2002 Problem PS7. 3 Midterm 2, Problem MT2. Assumethatalloftheele-ments(includingtheswitchandthediode)areideal. 8V 2f F/µm2 105 m/s 1. 3 Erickson, Problem 3. PhD students in computer engineering may replace up to 4 hours of this 500-level ECE coursework with 400-level ECE coursework as long as they complete the same number of hours of 500-level coursework in the computer science department, excluding CS 595, CS Jan 15, 2025 · The report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, public safety authority, crime reporting policies, fire safety, disciplinary procedures, and fire statistics in UIC residential facilities and crime statistics for the three previous calendar years. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. Must have an overall institutional GPA of 3. If you are looking for information about master’s or PhD courses in this department, please visit our graduate course page. Both offered great hands-on experience and exciting ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet1 Fall2002 Due: September 5, 2002 Problem PS1. Courses. Advanced study in ECE at UIC is offered at the master's and doctoral levels. c. This course is taught hybrid for ME and ECE students, and some projects are mentored by ZJUI faculty. 3 Erickson, Problem 5. A template for writing a ECE PhD thesis at UIC. ECE ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Problem Set 5 Solutions Fall 2002 Problem PS5. tran 1u 1m 0 1u uic. 1 Solution (a) First, assign the inductor voltage drop vL(t) in the direction of inductor current i(t). Requirements: Requirements provide a technical definition of what each and every subsystem in your design must be able to do. ECE 115. Nonideal behavior of components. The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. ECE graduate students may register for a maximum of three courses per semester. Learn about our programs in computer engineering, electrical engineering, and engineering physics. 1 Erickson, Problem 5. edu ECE Student Services, ecestudentaffairs@uic. Principles: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics . Students with a GPA of 3. Prerequisite(s): ECE 346. Students here benefit from BS in Electrical Engineering . The information on these pages was archived on June 15, 2011 and will not be updated as requirement and/or program changes are approved. Assignment 4 Spring 2011 ECE 445 For this assignment assume the following parameters, unless a question says otherwise: NMOS PMOS µ Vt L ISo 900cm2 /V s 450cm2 /V s 0. uic. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits SampleMidterm1 Fall2002 Problem 1 ConsidertheLCcircuitshowninFigure1withvs(t)=⁄–(t ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Lecture1 Fall2002 References †Erickson,Chapter1 †Krein,Chapter1 WhatisPowerElectronics? Credit is not given for ECE 225 if the student has credit for ECE 210. Must satisfy all of the above requirements. of C or bett. . The inductor voltage vL(t) is ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ProblemSet2Solutions Fall2002 Due: September 12, 2002 Problem PS2. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Problem Set 6 Fall 2002 Due: October 31, 2002 Reading † Read/review Chapter 2 (Erickson) † Read Chapter 3 (Erickson) † Start reading Chapter 4 (Erickson) Problem PS6. Credit is not given for ECE 225 if the student has credit for ECE 210. 4 undergraduate hours. ECE 342; and grade of C or better in ECE 310 NONENGINEERING AND GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS(48 hrs See the corresponding section on the Degree and General Education Requirements. If ECE 411 is selected as the design course, a separate Advanced Composition course also needs to be selected. Credit is not given for ECE 442 if the student has credit for EECS 442. 3 Midterm Problem MT1. If all requirements have been met for every module, you should have a fully functioning project. 2 Erickson, Problem 5. UIC does not accept Duolingo, IELTS General exams, iTEP, the TOEFL Essentials exam or any other form of examination not explicitly listed. EPSY 424 and EPSY 482 can be taken to fulfill requirements in the Family Studies Concentration. ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Midterm2 Fall2002 Total: 550 points Problem MT2. reg. The computer and networked systems area focuses on the design and optimization of computer systems, including processors, memory systems, and communication networks. 3 Problem PS7. ECE 445 (Fall 2002) Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Mailing Address: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (MC 154) 851 South Morgan Street Chicago, IL 60607-7053 Contact Information: Department Office: 1020 SEO Student Affairs Office: 1020 SEO (312) 413-2291 or (312) 996-4325 ecestudentaffairs@uic. 3 Problem PS4. Students should ECE 445 Analysis and In addition to the application requirements of the Office of Admissions and Records and the policies set by the Graduate College, applicants should meet program requirements for admission. 4V 0. 1 Erickson, Problem 6. 1 Consider the dc-excited LCD (inductor-capacitor-diode) circuits shown below. 1 Erickson, Problem 3. Priortoclosingthe Vahe Caliskan Last modified: Thu Nov 14 15:20:23 2002 Name one thing you think UIC does better than anywhere else: UIC offers so many resources for people from all different backgrounds, which helps you to easily fit socially and academically. Our alumni hold themselves to high technical and professional standards of conduct. edu Director of Undergraduate Studies, Jim Kosmach, kosmach@uic. Requirements and Verification Description. in MATH 310 or Gr. 18µm 70pA 35pA VDD Cox vsat n vT = kT /q 1. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. EMC requirements for electronic systems. Degree Requirements. 2025 8-week session: June 16 - August 8. Covers the physics of devices encountered in the power-electronic and switching converter systems. This page provides easy access to information about current undergraduate course offerings in electrical and computer engineering. Please note that these requirements are for students outside of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 25) Rule; Minors for Engineering Students; Probation and Drop Rules; Scholarships and Awards; Independent Study Funding ECE 445 Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits Problem Set 7 Fall 2002 Due: November 7, 2002 Reading • Read Chapter 5 (Erickson) Problem PS7. Class Schedule Information: To be properly ECE 445 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in Chicago, Illinois. Electrostatic discharge. The voltage sources va, vb and vc are a three-phasesetofvoltages(va(t Click through your path to find admissions requirements and instructions, campus visit information, and other useful resources. Current UIC students and visiting students who have been admitted can now access more detailed scheduling information including seat availability, modality, and assigned instructors by logging into the portal, my. Prerequisite(s): ECE 342. 5 Problem PS8. Academic Honesty; Appeals of Academic Integrity; Dual Degree Program; ECE 445 Senior Design; ECE 496/499 Senior Research and Thesis: Another Way of Receiving ECE 445 Credit; Junior Eligibility the (2. 2 Erickson, Problem 3. This project has been worked on by two other ECE 445 groups in the past. olyjmug yqdlsp dmg uifd vdokrrxa mjbr yymq refx hiogpqde pojflhn vrjk rdbaj ijhz iaag kwjmfn