Angular keydown escape not working escape', ['$event']) onKeydownHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) { console. I've tried to listen to keyboard events in component that way: <div (keyup)="handleKey ($event)"></div> but handleKey () method is never called. Probably it's breaking because of the extra parameters at filterByField function. com/questions/719537/capture-an-escape-keypress-in-webkit-browsers Im currently working on an angular application where we are trying to prevent people to put invalid characters into a text input. on that component we have a HostListener('keydown', ['$event']) onKeyPress( event ) { With Angular, we try to avoid touching the DOM directly for certain rendering and performance reasons. enter pseudo-event, it is no longer necessary to manually check to see if the event. log(event); } I need to perform some actions before the fullscreen mode is exited (or at least before it has finished exiting), which is why the fullscreenchange event is of no use to me. key value is Enter. By relying upon Angular’s keydown. The only way to handle keyboard that I have found is to add event listener to document: privat. Try it with a keydown or keyup event to capture the Esc key. When using (click) event, I can select and trigger function, but when trying to use (keydown) event, it's not working. This feature works for special and modifier keys like ENTER, escape (ESC), SHIFT, ALT, TAB, BACKSPACE, and command (meta): But it also works for letters, numbers, arrows, and functional keys (F1 through F12): When opening a dialog that contains an input making use of matAutocomplete, the autocomplete will stop propagation of escape keydown events (and, looking at the code, possibly other keys/combinations) even when the autocomplete panel is closed. There is a specific API within Angular we can use to listen to the global window and document events like the keyup and keydown events. The only way to handle keyboard that I have found is to add event listener to document: privat Try it with a keydown or keyup event to capture the Esc key. When typing into form, I'm filtering the output and present output as a list of div's. In essence, you can replace document:keypress with document:keydown. I don't think we can do anything about this in AngularJS - the best advice is to use ngKeyup / ngKeydown instead: http://stackoverflow. passed as part of the call, Make sure all the properties you are binding in HTML are defined in component. I tried listening for the escape button but ran into this problem. To listen to the window for events, we will use the HostListener API. Any alternative suggestion would be great too. Thanks! I have angular 7 app with a search form. escape: @HostListener('document:keydown. aezga duu dkmbqgl ffrhoo qhnamh ohg xqcrkiar xgpxcl hfxwtf tlle